Today's Tournament.

Went to a doubles tournament today expecting to have an enjoyable time as usual at such things. It didn't go quite according to plan (not to say that there weren't fun aspects to the day just that they were in spite of the event rather than because of the event).

Rather than whine about particular people I have come up with a few pointers for the smooth running of this particular event in the future ;-)

For organisers
1) Sell the event correctly - I don't mind going to half-arsed tournaments where no-one can be bothered to allocate missions are note down Victory Points as long as that's what I'm expecting. If however I'm paying £20 for a tournament at Warhammer World in Nottingham I expect certain standards.
2) Something to note down who won, lost etc. to hand in would have been useful.
3) 3 game 'tournaments' need Victory Points to separate placings. Having 4 joint 2nd places is just lazy.
4) Missions need to be allocated by organisers rather than rolled for by players. There were 3 games, there are 3 deployment types and 3 missions, now that doesn't seem difficult to decide in advance does it?
5) Army Lists need to be checked by an independent party. I could have fielded basically anything and got away with it.

For attendees
1) There's no excuse for being half an hour late for a coach, be on time or stay the fuck at home.
2) Read the 5th edition rulebook - A basic knowledge of the core rules is absolutely essential to avoid unnecessary pissing about.
3) 5th Edition is all about true line of sight, accept it or play something else.
4) Don't be a dick - Querying every move and shot is annoying.
5) Don't be a dick - Dragging out your turn to prevent another one being played for your own advantage is the pinnacle of 'That Fucking Guy' activities.
6) Remember it's just a game.

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Tournament tomorrow

Finally got around to painting the doubles army from this post to a 3 colour tournament minimum standard (to be honest if I saw someone who had turned up to a tournament with an army this obviously painted the night before I'd throw him out on his arse, lol).

I'm actually too embarrassed to post a picture of it right now, so instead a picture which sums up painting an army on Thursday for a tournament on Friday that you've known about for 2 months...

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Multiple Small Unit (MSU) Blood Angels

Just an idea

Librarian (100), Jump Pack (+25), Blood Lance + Fear of the Darkness (+0) (125)
Librarian (100), Jump Pack (+25), Blood Lance + Fear of the Darkness (+0) (125)

Honour Guard (115), Jump Packs (+50), Meltagun x3 (+30), Blood Champion (+20) (215)
Honour Guard (115), Jump Packs (+50), Meltagun x3 (+30), Blood Champion (+20) (215)

Assault Squad x5 (100), Meltagun (+10), Infernus Pistol (+15) (125)
Assault Squad x5 (100), Meltagun (+10), Infernus Pistol (+15) (125)
Assault Squad x5 (100), Meltagun (+10), Infernus Pistol (+15) (125)
Assault Squad x5 (100), Meltagun (+10), Infernus Pistol (+15) (125)
Assault Squad x5 (100), Meltagun (+10), Infernus Pistol (+15) (125)
Assault Squad x5 (100), Meltagun (+10), Infernus Pistol (+15) (125)

Vanguard x5 (115), Jump Packs (+50), Lightning Claw x3 (+45) (210)
Vanguard x5 (115), Jump Packs (+50), Lightning Claw x3 (+45) (210)

TOTAL - 1850

52 Marines, 6 Scoring Units, 12 Kill Points

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Yet another Mech Blood Angels list...

After an extensive day of ripping doors and hatches off Rhino's combined with extensive magnet addition I have now made 95% of my Vehicles multi-purpose (the fact that I only really needed 1 more usable Predator for a doubles tournament and have now left myself with only 1 day to paint 5 vehicles we'll gloss over for the moment).

Not everything is completely modular but I can now field 6 Predator variants if I so desire.

If only there was a way of fielding all 6...

Librarian (100), Shield of Sanguinius + something else (+0) (100)

Furioso Dreadnought (125), Librarian Upgrade (+50), Wings of Sanguinius + Shield of Sanguinius (+0) (175)
Furioso Dreadnought (125), Librarian Upgrade (+50), Wings of Sanguinius + Shield of Sanguinius (+0) (175)

Assault Squad (100), Las/Plas Razorback (55), Hunter-Killer Missile (+10) (165)
Assault Squad (100), Las/Plas Razorback (55), Hunter-Killer Missile (+10) (165)
Assault Squad (100), Las/Plas Razorback (55), Hunter-Killer Missile (+10) (165)
Assault Squad (100), Las/Plas Razorback (55), Hunter-Killer Missile (+10) (165)

Baal Predator (115), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+30) (145)
Baal Predator (115), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+30) (145)
Baal Predator (115), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+30) (145)

Predator (70), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+30) (100)
Predator (70), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+30) (100)
Predator (70), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+30) (100)

Total - 1845

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I was asked by Alpharius about the 'Plaguebearers' from my Daemon army in the comments section of a post on YTTH

So here are some close-ups

The Champions

Note: I always like to have a model who looks obviously in charge even in units that don't have an upgraded character or leader.

and back.
And with their respective squads.

Each squad has the same weapons and shield (with the exception of the champion who gets a spear instead).

They were made from..
Chaos Space Marine legs and bodies (The 'Tide of Spawn' boxes I bought to make the Fiends also come with a 10 man squad of Chaos Space Marines each so I used those).
Marauder arms, weapons and shields.
And spare Knight heads with the horns removed.

They're meant to be the failed recruits of my Renegade chapter 'The Night Reapers', so you can see some of the the chapter colours (a Metallic blue) under the 'nurgly' green tarnish.

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Blood Angels 'Jump List' Ver 2.0

I built a Librarian/Sorcerer so I figured I might as well use him...

Librarian (100), Jump Pack (+25), Blood Lance + Fear of the Darkness (+0) (125)

Honour Guard (115), Jump Packs (+50), Meltagun x3 (+30), Champion (+20) (215)

Chaplain (100), Jump Pack (+25), Infernus Pistol (+15) (140)

Sanguinary Priest (50), Jump Pack (+25), Lightning Claw (+15) (90)
Sanguinary Priest (50), Jump Pack (+25), Lightning Claw (+15) (90)
Sanguinary Priest (50), Jump Pack (+25), Lightning Claw (+15) (90)

Assault Squad x10 (190), Meltagun x2 (+20), Power Fist (+25), Infernus Pistol (+15) (250)
Assault Squad x10 (190), Meltagun x2 (+20), Power Fist (+25), Infernus Pistol (+15) (250)
Assault Squad x10 (190), Meltagun x2 (+20), Power Fist (+25), Infernus Pistol (+15) (250)

Better or Worse than this?

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Doubles Tournament

I'm off to a 1700 Point Doubles Tournament on Friday. They're using a modified FOC as follows

Each army consists of...
1 HQ
1+ Troops
0-2 of Fast Attack, Heavy Support + Elites

My and Flello are taking the following army (twice)

Edit: We're now not taking this because I had a better idea which is at the bottom of this post.

Space Marine Captain (100), Bike (+35) (135)

Bike Squad (90), Additional Biker (+25), Meltagun x2 (+20), Multi-Melta Attack Bike (+50) (185)

Landspeeder Squadron x2 (100), Typhoon Missle Launcher x2 (+80) (180)
Landspeeder Squadron x2 (100), Typhoon Missle Launcher x2 (+80) (180)

Predator (60), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+25) (85)
Predator (60), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+25) (85)

Note: 1 of the Speeder Squadrons will have Heavy Flamers instead of Heavy Bolters for objective clearing purposes.

Total -850

Unfortunately due to financial constraints we've been forced to use what I have available.

Had I the spare cash I would have took a Blood Angels gunline with 4-6 Sanguinary Priests combined with a Tyranid Horde with the Priests attached to each of the Horde units. This would have given me an assault horde that also had Furious Charge and Feel no Pain.

Now I just need to Paint 4 Landspeeders, 12 Bikes and a Predator by Thursday Night....

Edit: After thinking about it this might work better...

Space Wolves - 850

Rune Priest (100), Chooser (+10), Stormcaller+ Tempests Wrath (+0) (110)

Grey Hunters x5 + Flamer (75), Las/Plas Razorback c/w Hunterkiller Missile (+85) (160)
Grey Hunters x5 + Flamer (75), Las/Plas Razorback c/w Hunterkiller Missile (+85) (160)

Landspeeder Squadron x2 (100), Typhoon Missile Launcher x2 (+80) (180)
Landspeeder Squadron x1 (50), Multi-Melta x1 (+10), Heavy Flamer x1 (+10) (70)

Predator (60), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+25) (85)
Predator (60), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+25) (85)

Space Marines - 850

Librarian (100), Null Zone + Something else (+0) (100)

Tactical Marines x5 (90), Las/Plas Razorback (+75) (175)
Tactical Marines x5 (90), Las/Plas Razorback (+75) (175)

Landspeeder Squadron x2 (100), Typhoon Missile Launcher x2 (+80) (180)
Landspeeder Squadron x1 (50), Multi-Melta x1 (+10), Heavy Flamer x1 (+10) (70)

Predator (60), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+25) (85)
Predator (60), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+25) (85)

Total - 1700

4 Scoring units
2 Chances to stop psychic powers using the Psychic Hood and the Runic Staff
Null Zone to help with those pesky Assault Terminators.

4 Predators for anti-infantry
4 Lascannons and 4 Plasmaguns for anti-vehicle/anti heavy infantry
8 Krak Missiles or 8 Frag Missiles + a couple of Hunterkillers
A couple of Multi-Meltas for those Land Raider Moments

That seems a lot better (and involves less painting which is a bonus ;-))

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Assault Cannon Vs. Lascannon.

A lot of people lately seem to have rediscovered Razorbacks as a form of transport.

My personal preference is for the Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Gun version. Twin-Linked Assault Cannons and Twin-Linked Lascannons are also common choices.

But which is best?

Obviously the first variable is going to be, best against what?

Certainly the Las/Plas version is best against Heavy Infantry and also does a pretty good job against a variety of vehicles. However against something like a Land Raider only the Lascannon is of use.
Assault Cannons are good Vs. infantry but rely on 'Rending' to kill Heavy Infantry or Armour 13 and 14 vehicles.

So as I've already mentioned Land Raiders I'll use them as the basis for this particular comparison.

Lascannon Vs. Land Raider.
1 Shot, 0.66 Hits, 0.11 Chance of penetration.
Twin-Linked Lascannon Vs. Land Raider.
1 Shot, 0.89 Hits (with the re-roll), 0.15 Chance of Penetration.
Assault Cannon Vs. Land Raider.
4 Shots, 3.56 Hits (with re-rolls), 0.59 Chance of a rending, 0.2 Chance of a Penetrating hit.

So Mathshammer puts the Assault Cannon on top in this particular instance. *

* Of course as any long term gamer will tell you you'll either get four 6's or none because the dice gods are the arch enemies of maths ;-)
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Chaos 'Counts As' Blood Angels Part 3

Carrying on from Posts 1 + 2

Finally remodelled the Sergeant/Aspiring Champions, and assembled my Priests and Chaplain equivalents.
I'll spend tomorrow tidying everything up before undercoating them together with the standard troops. Haven't completed the Meltagun guys yet as I can't seem to get the poses to look right (most likely because I'm using Berzerker bits and as we all know berzerkers don't carry Meltaguns, lol).

Apostles of War - 'Counts As' Chaplains.

Berzerker Surgeons - 'Counts As' Sanguinary Priests.

Blood Sorcerer - 'Counts As' Librarian.

Aspiring Champions - 'Counts As' Sergeants

Anything that Isn't done by the end of tomorrow will have to wait for a week or so as I have to get some stuff painted for a Doubles Tournament at the end of next week.

All constructive criticisms welcome as long as they're not about mould lines as I'll be removing those before undercoating ;-)
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Lightning Claw Vs. Power Weapon

So you have 15 points spare and you want to make someone a bit more killy. Got to be a Power Weapon right?

I would like to humbly suggest that a single Lightning Claw is better for the same points.

We'll take a generic example in this case a Space Marine Captain.

The stats that matter are WS6, S4 and A3 and armed with a Bolt Pistol rather than a Bolter for that all important extra attack. For simplicities sake we'll put him up against something with WS4 and T4

With Power Weapon
Without charging we get 4 Attacks.
2.67 Hit, 1.335 Wounds caused
Charging we get 5 Attacks
3.33 Hit, 1.665 Wounds caused

With the single Lightning Claw we don't get a bonus for 2 close combat weapons so were down an attack compared with the Power weapon armed Captain.

With single Lightning Claw.
Without charging we get 3 Attacks.
2 Hit, 1 Wounds, 1.5 with the reroll
Charging we get 4 Attacks
2.67 Hit, 1.335 Wound, 2.0025 with the reroll.

Of course in the case of a SM Captain for double the points we can get a Relic Blade making him S6.

With Relic Blade
Without charging we get 3 Attacks.
2 Hit, 1.667 Wounds.
Charging we get 4 Attacks
2.67 Hit, 2.22 Wound.

Being S6 adds a whole new set of advantages (Insta-killing T3 IC's being the funniest imo) but not everybody gets access to those precious Chapter Relics now do they?

Not sure if I'm stating the obvious or not it's just that I see a lot more power weapons than I do Lightning Claws. My Sanguinary Priests that were getting Power weapons are going to get a Lightning Claw instead now anyway.

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Chaos Daemons Vs. Imperial Guard @ 1750

After an unfortunate game Vs. my Space Wolves list that involved the destruction of over half of Dave's army in my first shooting phase we decided to try his same list out Vs. my Daemons.

My list is the 1750 version of my Daemon list that's somewhere on the blog if you search for it.

Dave's list is (as far as i can remember)

Company Command Squad c/w Lascannon
5 Ratlings
Platoon command
5 Infantry Squads (3 with Autocannon teams and 2 Missle Launchers)
Veterans with 2 Meltaguns
Valkyrie c/w Missle Pods and Heavy Bolters (The Vets went in this)
Vendetta x2 (Squadroned)
Banewolf and Hellhound (Squadroned)
Hydra x2 (Squadroned)
Leman Russ Demolisher c/w Lascannon and Heavy Bolters x2

Spearhead Deployment, 3 Objectives
Dave got first choice for placing of objectives and also went first.

Dave's Turn 1
His vehicles all move to better positions as I'm not there yet for him to shoot at yet.
My Turn 1
I get my preferred half which was...
Herald, Fiends x2, Hounds x1, Plaguebearers x1, Daemon Prince x2
1 Unit of Fiends scatters quite far and I mishap with a Daemon Prince (which will be abbreviated to DP from now on as to be honest they sucked so bad this game they don't actually deserve a name). I get 'misplaced' as the mishap table result and Dave places him in the trees in the bottom right of the first picture below. I spread out as best as possible with my 'Run' moves.

Dave's turn 2
Vehicles are all moved far enough so I need 6's to hit with the exception of the squadroned Vendettas who only move 6". 1 Unit of Fiends dies to mass weapons fire, 1 unit of Hounds is reduced to 5 and pretty much everything else of mine takes some wounds.
My Turn 2
I get 1 DP and a unit of Plaguebearers from reserve both of which mishap and end up joining the first DP in the woods (which incidently manage to kill 2 Plaguebearers with 2 rolls of 1's). The Plaguebearers slowly edge towards 1 of the objectives (Top right of the below picture). The DP starts the slow foot slog from the corner and the Daemon Prince that actually landed where I wanted moves to within assault range of some Guardsmen. I charge the Squadron of Vendetta's figuring that hitting them on 4's is the best chance to kill them I'm likely to get. Herald, DP and Hounds charge the nearest units to them respectively. Herald fluffs her attacks and then dies, Fiends destroy both Vendettas but lose one guy to the explosion, Daemon Prince kills 2 Guardsman but they pass their leadership test.

Dave's turn 3
The Hellhound/Banewolf squadron moves towards the Fiends that had destroyed the Vendettas. He proceeds to shoot them and most of the rest of my army to death. The DP fails to kill a single guardsmen and I'm beginning to get the 'It's going to be one of those games' feeling.

My Turn 3
I get 1 unit of Plaguebearers from reserve which confirms the 'one of those games' feeling that had been creeping up on me. The DP fails to kill the guardsmen........again, the first misplaced DP finally reaches the action and needing 6's to hit the Hellhound/Banewolf squadron (from now on renamed as 'The Flamy squad of Doom' ) promptly misses with all 5 attacks :-(

Dave's Turn 4
The DP that failed to scratch the 'Flamey Squadron of Dooms' armour, promptly gets shot to death as does the 1 unit of Plaguebearers that I got last turn. The Daemon Prince of Failure finally manages to kill the squad of Guardsmen after 4 rounds of combat and the unit of Plaguebearers in the bottom left of the below picture manage to kill a unit of Guardsmen so I finally have a fucking objective (well for a bit anyway).
My Turn 4
The rest of my army finally remembers that It's meant to be somewhere killing shit and turns up.

I actually get some decent run rolls so manage to spread out a little. The 2nd DP of failure follows the example of the other 1 and fails to harm the 'Flamey squad of Doom' which now gets renamed again to the 'Seemingly Fucking Invulnerable Flamey Squad of Doom'. Though the DP that took 4 turns to kill 10 Guardsmen finally gets the hang of it and kills some more but is now down to a single wound.

Dave's turn 5.
1 squad of Hounds and most of the Fiends die to mass gunfire due to a combination of extremely unlikely to hit rolls followed by my complete inability to make cover or invulnerable saves.

My Turn 5
For the 3rd time a DP misses all 5 Attacks Vs. the 'Seemingly Fucking Invulnerable Flamy Squad of Doom', The remaining Hounds manage to generate 22 Wounds on 10 veterans killing them all (Ironically this is one of those times that I could have done with them safely locked in combat), The remaining Fiend and 1 of the DP's dies in combat.

Dave's Turn 6
Dave kills what's left of my stuff including 5 Plaguebearers in cover which manage to fail 3 of 4 cover saves followed by 4 cover and Feel no Pain saves.

Normally Battle reports are followed by a brief summary of what I could have done differently. In this case my alternative strategy would involve not using my Daemons till their Codex is redone without all the built in weaknesses that Gav and Alessio thought they needed :-(

Back to Marines for a bit methinks..................

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Artwork 'Fail'

I don't really play WHFB so a new rulebook wouldn't normally raise a comment but this cover for some reason made me think of an 80's Death Metal album.

And there was me thinking it couldn't get any worse after the Blood Angels cover with the cross-eyed Priest with the melting face.
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Blood Talons

How good are they actually?

For those of you who don't know.A Dreadnought armed with a pair of Blood Talons (effectively a Dreadnought sized Lightning Claw) gets an extra attack for each unsaved wound caused with a Blood Talon in close combat.

In true internet form I'm going to ignore the tactical intricacies of 40K and rely on 'Mathshammer'.

Lets give the Furioso Dreadnought the Charge (I'm feeling generous) and lets put him against everybodies favourite generic unit...........drum roll please..........The Tactical squad.

So he's hitting on 3's (WS 6) and wounding on 2's (S6) with a reroll for the fact that the Talon follows all the rules of a Lightning Claw.

Krak grenades can't actually hurt the fucker so we'll definitely get to slice and dice a few guys before the obligatory Power Fist gets a shot.

Round 1
4 Attacks on the Charge, 2.67 Hit, 2.25 Wound, 2.6 with a reroll equals 2.6 dead Marines and therefore 2.6 additional attacks.
2.6 Attacks, 1.73 Hit, 1.44 Wound, 1.68 with a reroll so were up to 4.28 dead Marines so far
1.68 Attacks, 1.12 Hit, 0.93 Wound, 1.09 with a reroll, now were up to 5.37 dead Marines
1.09 Attacks, 0.73 Hit, 0.61 Wound, 0.62 with a reroll, current total 5.99 Dead.

I'm going to stop there for the simple reason that the Maths is now going to be closer to zero than it is to one ;-)

Power Fist guy hits on 4's so is going to hit with 1 of his 2 Attacks followed by a 16.7% chance of getting a penetrating hit and then only a 33% chance of destroying said Dreadnought after that so I'm going to presume the Dreadnought survives unscathed.

Round 2
Dreadnought completely fine, Tactical Squad down to 4 Guys (well 4.01 if your being picky)
3 attacks, 2 Hit, 1.67 Wound, 1.94 dead with rerolls.
1.94 Attacks, 1.29 Hit, 1.08 Wounds, 1.26 dead with rerolls, current total 3.2 dead.
1.26 Attacks, 0.84 Hit, 0.7 Wounds, 0.82 dead with rerolls, current total 4.02 dead.

So according to Mathshammer a Furioso Dreadnought can kill an entire Tactical Squad in a game turn.

And yes I've ignored the Morale test that would have happened at the end of the first round but to be honest the thought that they might get away would have ruined the maths, lol.

Well in conclusion, they seem pretty damn good to me with only 3 noteworthy downsides.

1) Much reduced chance of hurting vehicles so you'll need to Melta infantry out of their vehicles first.
2) Any armour 13 Walker is going to laugh It's ass off while you ineffectually scratch It's Paintwork, Armour 12 Walkers are going to be unperturbed as well.
3) Landraiders and Monoliths become by necessity someone else's problem.

Of course a possible upside is I suppose you can create some interesting target priority issues for certain opponents....maybe?
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Blood Angels 'Mech' List.

Since Blood Angels seem to be flavour of the month how about this?

Blood Angels - 1850

Librarian (100), Blood Lance + The Sanguine Sword (+0) (100)

Honour Guard (115), Meltagun x3 (+30), Razorback (+55), Power Fist (+25) (225)

Sanguinary Priest (50), Combi-Melta (+10) (60)

Assault Squad x10 (190), Meltagun x2 (+20), Power Fist (+25), Rhino (+15) (250)
Assault Squad x10 (190), Meltagun x2 (+20), Power Fist (+25), Rhino (+15) (250)
Assault Squad x9 (172), Meltagun (+10), Power Fist (+25), Rhino (+15) (222)

Baal Predator (115), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+30) (145)
Baal Predator (115), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+30) (145)
Baal Predator (115), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+30) (145)

Predator (70), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+30) (100)
Predator (70), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+30) (100)
Predator (70), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+30) (100)

Total - 1842

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Blood Angels Tactical Squads.

Apparently Bell of Lost Souls think that Tactical squads are useless in a Blood Angels army.

My friend Mike thinks otherwise as per this text

And once again I very much want to play against a BoLS writer to prove he's an idiot. Tactical Squads apparently have no place in a Blood Angels army as Assault Marines do everything better. I'd like to remind him of that after his Assault Marines are walking across the board after they've been shot out of their Rhino's and Razorbacks by my 5 Wound Lascannons ;-)

He's not the only person who disagrees.....

What does everyone else think?
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Chaos Daemons @ 1750+

Decided to add to my Chaos Daemon List after talking about it for nearly a year while getting distracted by Codices that can actually kill vehicles.

The changes aren't major but here they are anyway.

Herald of Slaanesh, Chariot, Unholy Might, Soporific Musk (90)

Fiends of Slaanesh, Unholy Might (190)
Fiends of Slaanesh, Unholy Might (190)
Fiends of Slaanesh, Unholy Might (190)

Plaguebearers of Nurgle x5 (75)
Plaguebearers of Nurgle x5 (75)
Plaguebearers of Nurgle x5 (75)
Plaguebearers of Nurgle x5 (75)

Flesh Hounds of Khorne x12 (180)
Flesh Hounds of Khorne x12 (180)
Flesh Hounds of Khorne x12 (180)

Daemon Prince (80)
Daemon Prince (80)
Daemon Prince (80)

TOTAL - 1740 (What will I spend those last 10 points on?)

I'm starting off without giving them any upgrades at all. If I decide they need anything in particular I can drop 2 Flesh Hounds from each of those units of 12 in order to pay for them.

In order to keep the 'Mistress and Beasts' theme going the Daemon Princes will be based on Spawn.

'Daemon Prince' number one is now at the 'tidying up before undercoating' stage.

The next personal debate with the DP's is do I go with Mark of Slaanesh + Aura of Acquiescence or Mark of Nurgle + Cloud of Flies?
Effectively Aura + Cloud give me the same effect (Assault + Defensive grenades) which I want as both effects are useful in an Assault unit. But the extra point of Toughness from the Mark of Nurgle seems far more useful than the +1 Initiative from the Mark of Slaanesh though I suppose it means I'd hit before all those Furious Charging Blood Angels that seem to have appeared lately.

Provisional 1850 list

Herald of Slaanesh, Chariot, Unholy Might, Soporific Musk (90)

Fiends of Slaanesh, Unholy Might (190)
Fiends of Slaanesh, Unholy Might (190)
Fiends of Slaanesh, Unholy Might (190)

Plaguebearers of Nurgle x5 (75)
Plaguebearers of Nurgle x5 (75)
Plaguebearers of Nurgle x5 (75)
Plaguebearers of Nurgle x5 (75)

Flesh Hounds of Khorne x12 (180)
Flesh Hounds of Khorne x12 (180)
Flesh Hounds of Khorne x12 (180)

Daemon Prince, Mark of Nurgle, Cloud of Flies (115)
Daemon Prince, Mark of Nurgle, Cloud of Flies (115)
Daemon Prince, Mark of Nurgle, Cloud of Flies (115)

TOTAL - 1845

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Gav Thorpe - Can you Fuck Off and die please.

I'm sitting here converting miniatures (as per the below threads) so I can have a Chaos army that works and managed to wind myself up.

Of course I can't do that with the actual Chaos Space Marine Codex thanks to that Dickhead Gav Thorpe deciding that Raptors are actually Assault Marines that Suck despite having 10000 years of experience.

And it's still annoying me 3 years later...............................

Lets hope they let Matt Ward do the Chaos Space marines book whenever it eventually happens. After all, he could wipe his arse on a blank piece of paper and do a better job than Gav Thorpe did.

Of course the Chaos Daemon Codex is pretty bad as well and I can only blame Gav for some of that.

On a more constructive note I'll fix Raptors for everyone

1) Take the entry from the previous Chaos Codex and drop their points to 25ish.
2) Remove 0-1 limit.
3) Oh wait, I only needed two.

While I'm on a roll I'll fix the Chaos Daemon Codex for everyone as well.

1) Abandon the whole 'on a roll of 1 or 2 the Chaos Gods forget which half of the army was meant to turn up first'. You can keep the rest of the Daemonic Assault rules as they're okay.
2) Add 'Lance' to the description of Bolt of Tzeentch so Daemons can actually kill vehicles at range.
3) Make the Soul Grinder WS4 + BS4. Its a giant Gun Platform with fucking Great Claws for fucks sake. That goes for the Defiler as well (Maybe WS5 on the Defiler and the Defiler should be Armour 13 front and side)
4) 25 Points for an Icon, Really? Try 10, Okay?
5) Reduce the costs of the basic Troop units by a few points each to make up for the fact that they fall apart when someone throws a pointy rock at them and those that don't fall apart suck in assault instead.

There's a lot more, but those 5 would be a good start...
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Chaos 'Counts As' Blood Angels Part 2

As began in this post.

I've stripped down and reposed a fair few of the Khorne Berzerkers as well as adding Jump Packs. There's still a lot of tidying up to do but the pictures should give you a rough idea of what I'm aiming for.

When painted in my Chapter Colours they'll be part of the 3rd Company of my Renegade Chapter like these 'Berzerkers' Below.

And I'm well aware that my Painting skills are basic at best but we can't all be good at everything now can we, lol.
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Space Wolves 'Mech'

I've already posted 'what I did ages ago' and 'what I'm doing next' so 'what I'm using now' might be of interest.

Space Wolves - 1750

Rune Priest (100), Chooser of the Slain (+10) (110)

Dreadnought (105), Twin-Linked Autocannon x2 (+20) (120)
Dreadnought (105), Twin-Linked Autocannon x2 (+20) (120)
Dreadnought (105), Twin-Linked Autocannon x2 (+20) (120)

Grey Hunters x5 (75), Flamer (+0), Las/Plas Razorback (+75) (150)
Grey Hunters x5 (75), Flamer (+0), Las/Plas Razorback (+75) (150)
Grey Hunters x5 (75), Flamer (+0), Las/Plas Razorback (+75) (150)
Grey Hunters x5 (75), Flamer (+0), Las/Plas Razorback (+75) (150)

Landspeeder Squadron x2 (100), Typhoon Missile Launcher x2 (+80) (180)
Landspeeder Squadron x2 (100), Typhoon Missile Launcher x2 (+80) (180)
Landspeeder Squadron x2 (100), Multi-Melta x2 (+20), Heavy Flamer x2 (+20) (140)

Predator (60), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+25) (85)
Predator (60), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+25) (85)

Total - 1740

I'm currently experimenting with dropping a Grey Hunters Unit and adding in an Anti-Deepstriking Inquisitor with Mystics. As I'm aiming to get my FLGS playing at 1850 (I've got many of them playing at 1750 now, so the hard parts done) that's what I'll aim the list for.

Space Wolves - 1850

Rune Priest (100), Chooser of the Slain (+10) (110)

Inquisitor Lord (45), Psychic Hood (+20), Bolt Pistol (+1), Power Weapon (+15)
Mystic (6)
Mystic (6)
Mystic (6)
Gun Servitor (+25)
Mounted in Rhino (+50)

Dreadnought (105), Twin-Linked Autocannon x2 (+20) (120)
Dreadnought (105), Twin-Linked Autocannon x2 (+20) (120)
Dreadnought (105), Twin-Linked Autocannon x2 (+20) (120)

Grey Hunters x5 (75), Flamer (+0), Las/Plas Razorback (+75) (150)
Grey Hunters x5 (75), Flamer (+0), Las/Plas Razorback (+75) (150)
Grey Hunters x5 (75), Flamer (+0), Las/Plas Razorback (+75) (150)

Landspeeder Squadron x2 (100), Typhoon Missile Launcher x2 (+80) (180)
Landspeeder Squadron x2 (100), Typhoon Missile Launcher x2 (+80) (180)
Landspeeder Squadron x2 (100), Multi-Melta x2 (+20), Heavy Flamer x2 (+20) (140)

Predator (60), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+25) (85)
Predator (60), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+25) (85)
Predator (60), Heavy Bolter Sponsons (+25) (85)

Total - 1849
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Space Marine Bikers

My bases have finally arrived so I'll be able to carry on with this little project in-between the Jump Pack Blood Angels phases.

Space Marine Bikers - 1500

Space Marine Captain (100), Bike (+35), Artificer armour (+15), Relic Blade (+30) (180)

Bike Squad (90), Additional Biker (+25), Attack Bike c/w Multi-Melta (+50), Meltagun x2 (+20), Combi-Flamer (+10) (195)
Bike Squad (90), Additional Biker (+25), Attack Bike c/w Multi-Melta (+50), Meltagun x2 (+20), Combi-Flamer (+10) (195)
Bike Squad (90), Additional Biker (+25), Attack Bike c/w Multi-Melta (+50), Meltagun x2 (+20), Combi-Flamer (+10) (195)
Bike Squad (90), Additional Biker (+25), Attack Bike c/w Multi-Melta (+50), Meltagun x2 (+20), Combi-Flamer (+10) (195)

Landspeeder Squadron x2 (100), Typhoon Missile Launcher x2 (+80) (180)
Landspeeder Squadron x2 (100), Typhoon Missile Launcher x2 (+80) (180)
Landspeeder Squadron x2 (100), Typhoon Missile Launcher x2 (+80) (180)

The bike squads kill vehicles, The Speeders deal with light transports and hordes as necessary.
To be honest it will work better at the 1750-2000 levels when I add a killy Command Squad, but until then it's competitive enough against most lists as long as your not too aggressive with it.

At higher points levels I'll be tweaking the Points so I can add this Command Squad.

Command Squad (115), Unit on Space Marine Bikes (+90)
Veteran 1, Storm Shield (+15), Meltagun (+10), Lightning Claw (+15)
Veteran 2, Storm Shield (+15), Meltagun (+10), Lightning Claw (+15)
Veteran 3, Storm Shield (+15), Meltagun (+10), Lightning Claw (+15)
Veteran 4, Storm Shield (+15), Meltagun (+10), Lightning Claw (+15)

Total - 365

When I add this unit the Captain will probably replace his Relic Blade with a Thunderhammer so I have a chance of killing walkers that I may get locked in combat with. If the points work out I'll also add Meltabombs as an extra insurance against that eventuality.
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Chaos 'Counts As' Blood Angels

As anyone who knows me will tell you, my first reaction when getting an idea for a new army is to rush out and buy everything I could possibly need (and a few things I don't) and starting from scratch. Unfortunately the Labour governments hideous mismanagement of the British economy has left me both poor and unemployed :-(

Therefore when deciding I wanted to do a Jump Pack Blood Angels army a cheap route had to be found.

Before I had my Renegade Chapter theme going I bought 3 boxes of Khorne Berzerkers and assembled them in a variety of rubbish poses while completely failing to remove ANY mould lines. As a result they were used about twice before being casually hidden in a bitz box.......until now!!!

So the plan is this.

Phase 1
1) Remove all backpacks and inappropriate posed arms.
2) Remove all 'Bunny Ears'
3) Remove as much of the 'Hobby Fail' as possible

Phase 2
4) Reattach arms in more suitable poses
5) Give them appropriate weapons
6) Add Jump Packs.

Phase 3
7) Base models (yes I admit it didn't do that the first time either)
8) Paint in my Chapter colours

The result should be a 'Counts As' Blood Angels army which will also be usable as Raptors should Games Workshop ever get around to redoing the Fail that is the current Chaos Codex without letting some useless Fuckwit like Gav Thorpe near it.

I suppose the list might be helpful as well

Renegade 3rd Company using BA Codex (1500 Points)

Reclusiarch (130), Jump Pack (+25) (155)

Chaplain (100), Jump Pack (+25), Infernus Pistol (+15) (140)
Chaplain (100), Jump Pack (+25), Infernus Pistol (+15) (140)

Sanguinary Priest (50), Jump Pack (+25), Power Weapon (+15), Infernus Pistol (+15) (105)
Sanguinary Priest (50), Jump Pack (+25), Power Weapon (+15), Infernus Pistol (+15) (105)
Sanguinary Priest (50), Jump Pack (+25), Power Weapon (+15), Infernus Pistol (+15) (105)

Assault Marines x10 (190), Meltagun x2 (+20), Power Fist (+25), Infernus Pistol (+15) (250)
Assault Marines x10 (190), Meltagun x2 (+20), Power Fist (+25), Infernus Pistol (+15) (250)
Assault Marines x10 (190), Meltagun x2 (+20), Power Fist (+25), Infernus Pistol (+15) (250)

As soon as Phase 1 is completed I'll post some pictures (I refuse to embarrass myself by showing you what they looked like before their 'makeover')
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Chaos Daemons

After being heavily inspired by Stelek at YTTH i decided to create a Daemon army using the following list.

Herald of Slaanesh (50), Chariot (+15), Unholy Might (+10), Soporific Musk (+15) (90)

Fiends of Slaanesh x6 (180), Unholy Might (+10) (190)
Fiends of Slaanesh x6 (180), Unholy Might (+10) (190)
Fiends of Slaanesh x6 (180), Unholy Might (+10) (190)

Plaguebearers of Nurgle x5 (75)
Plaguebearers of Nurgle x5 (75)
Plaguebearers of Nurgle x5 (75)
Plaguebearers of Nurgle x5 (75)

Fast Attack
Flesh Hounds of Khorne x12 (180)
Flesh Hounds of Khorne x12 (180)
Flesh Hounds of Khorne x12 (180)

Total - 1500

Daemons seem to have some kind of allergy to effective ranged anti-tank weapons so I just chose to accept the fact that Land Raiders will be near impossible to kill as a built-in design flaw, lol.

Due to the fact that I'd need a 2nd Mortgage and a Lottery win to build this army using the official models I was forced to improvise slightly (well a lot actually).

My FLGS had 2 boxes of 'Tide of Spawn' which they had (for some unknown reason, lol) completely failed to sell. Which became my Fiends of Slaanesh.

Chaos Warhounds served nicely as Fleshhounds and the Plaguebearers were made using a mixture of Marine and Marauder bits that were filling up my bitz box waiting for a purpose in life.

The only model that cost a bit was the Herald as she cost me a Talos, a box of Daemonettes and the slaves from Vects Raider (which are fortunately available to buy separately).

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