Fixing C:CSM - Part 4 - Chaos Spawn.

Chaos Spawn.

Lets dive straight into the problems.

1) For their statline they're too expensive.
2) They're Slow and Purposeful in the Fast Attack section
3) Giving them 3 wounds was presumably to make up for them having no armour save.
4) They're Fearless but have no armour save, which means for every wound they lose combat by they get wounded again automatically.
5) Mindless is basically the Rage rule with an addition which is meaningless in 5th Ed.

Editors Note - A few minor changes based on feedback.

Chaos Spawn - 30 Points

Chaos Spawn - WS 3, BS 0, S 5, T 5, W 3, I 3, A 4, Ld 10, Save 5+ inv.
Abomination - WS 3, BS 0, S 6, T 5, W 3, I 3, A 5, Ld 10, Save 5+ inv.

Unit Type - Beasts, Number/Squad 1-5

Count as being armed with a single close combat weapon

Special Rules
Fearless, Rage, Mutated Horror*
* Mutated Horror - The Chaos Spawn attacks with a variety of Claws, Teeth, Tentacles and other indescribable protrusions. Enemies are torn apart in an uncontrolled blood-lust. - All of the Chaos Spawns attacks have the 'Rending' special rule.

Many Spawn were once Aspiring Champions and have been more greatly blessed (or cursed, depending on your point of view) by the Chaos Gods.

One Chaos Spawn can be upgraded to an Abomination for 10 points

The Abomination may take one of the following options
The Abominations claws are energised by the power of Chaos - Count as being armed with a Power Weapon - 15 points
The Abomination has strength far beyond even the mightiest of its kind, however It's speed has suffered as a consequence - Counts as being armed with a Power Fist.
However if it takes either option it loses the Rending special rule.

Some Spawn are still looked upon as beloved or amusing pets by the gods that seemingly abandoned them.
The Unit may take one of the following Marks
- Slaanesh (+1 I) - 25 points
- Khorne (+1 A) - 20 points
- Nurgle (+1 T) - 40 points
- Tzeentch (Inv. save becomes 4+) - 35 points

With the above modifications Spawn become a dangerous yet uncontrollable unit which is exactly what they should be. Ordinary units will be butchered by them, but dedicated assault units should be able to handle them.
The Marks of Slaanesh and Khorne are relatively cheap as they don't make a great deal of difference to the units effectiveness. The +1 Toughness given by the mark of Nurgle however is of considerable advantage as is the 4+ Inv. save given by the mark of Tzeentch so they have had to be priced appropriately higher.


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Defiler Tank - Undercoated.

The Night Reapers renegade chapters Dark Mechanicum are proud to unveil the D3F1L3R Modular Tank

Available with a variety of weapon load-outs to suit the tastes of even the most violent of Chaos Lords.


I resisted the urge to stick more spiky bits on it as I wanted it to be obvious that this was a mixture of Chaos and Xenos technology.
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Fixing C:CSM - Part 3 - Raptors.

Note : This post has been edited based on feedback.

It goes without saying that I'm not doing these particular articles in anything even resembling a logical order, lol.

Raptors are mainly associated with the Night Lords traitor Legion, however I'm operating on the principle that over time that's just what renegades have ended up calling their Assault Marines.

So what do we think these guys need then? Well It's my Blog so I'll answer that one ;-)

1) They should actually be scary.
2) They shouldn't just be 'Evil' Space Marines with Jump Packs, they should have an identity of their own.
3) They should be better than Assault Marines by virtue of experience alone.
4) They should have access to a greater number of special weapons than a standard unit.
5) Their special rules should reflect the above mentioned unique identity.

Chaos Raptors - 23 points each

Raptor - WS 4, BS 4, S 4, T 4, W 1, A 2, Ld 9, Save 3+
Aspiring Champion - WS 5, BS 4, S 4, T 4, W 1, A 2, Ld 10, Save 3+

Unit Type - Jump Infantry, Number/Squad 5-20

Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Frag + Krak Grenades, Close Combat Weapon.

Special Rules
Hit and Run, Precision Descent*
* Precision Descent - Raptors have perfected the art of attacking at exactly the point that strikes most fear into the enemy - If arriving from Deep Strike the Raptor unit rolls 3 dice for scatter and must discard one (this need not be the highest). In addition Raptor units that include an Aspiring Champion may assault on the turn they arrive from Deep Strike as long as they take no other action (shooting, running etc).

One model may be upgraded to Aspiring Champion for 25 points

He may take a Raptors Scream** for 25 points
** Raptors Scream - This device amplifies the champions war cry into a blast of sound that overloads the enemies senses - Any enemy unit charged by the unit containing the Champion must take a Leadership test at -2, if this test is failed the charged unit counts as being Initiative 1 for the first round of combat.

He may replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for 10 points
He may have Meltabombs for 5 points
He may take a Personal Icon for 5 points
He may replace his close combat weapon with one of the following
- Power Weapon - 15 points
- Power Fist - 25 Ponts
- Lightning Claw - 15 points
He may replace both his close combat weapon and Bolt Pistol with a pair of Lightning Claws for 25 points.

The Unit may take one of the following Marks
- Chaos Glory (reroll failed morale tests) - 10 points
- Slaanesh (+1 I) - 20 points
- Khorne (+1 A) - 30 points
- Nurgle (+1 T) - 45 points
- Tzeentch (5+ Inv. save) - 35 points

Up to 3 Raptors may replace their pistol with a Plasma Pistol for 10 points per model, or take one of the following
- Plasma Gun - 10 points
- Meltagun - 10 points
- Flamer - 5 points

I think overall this makes the Raptors a far more useful unit. They can be configured as an effective 'suicide' unit with the 3 Meltaguns or as a larger effective close combat unit.

I didn't want to just copy the Blood Angels rule 'Descent of Angels' and I think that my 'Precision Descent' rule is a good compromise as it increases the likely-hood of an average roll should the unit scatter but also gives you the tactical option of scattering the larger distance if there's a juicier target further away.

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Fixing C:CSM - Part 2 - The Chaos Lord.

Note - I've edited this a bit based on comments made.

Okay, hands up who takes a Chaos Lord to lead their Chaos Space Marines...That's no-one then...glad we got that out of the way.

Chaos Lords should be hard as a coffin nail. Many of them were Captains in Traitor Legions, Most have been killing stuff that annoyed them for 10,000 years. So how is this Daemonically patronised killing mission represented? Well I'll tell you.

Space Marine Captain Statline only with a worse Invulnerable save...Great, Thanks a lot Gav.

In my humble opinion he should be more like this.

Chaos Lord - 120 points

WS 8, BS 5, S5, T4, W 3, I 5, A 4, Ld 10 Save 3+/4+ (These are intentionally higher than a Space Marine Captain)

Power Armour, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Frag + Krak Grenades, Personal Icon, Dark Halo*

* Dark Halo - Many Chaos Lords were originally Captains in the Traitor Legions or have slain loyalist Captains who have dared oppose them. Their Iron Halos have been corrupted and infused with the power of the warp. - All Chaos Lords gain a 4+ Inv. save (included in Profile)

Special Rules
Fearless, Independent Character.


May take the following upgrade.
Eye of the Gods - The Chaos Lord has earned great favour in the eyes of his patron and enjoys his special favour - Lord gains the 'Eternal Warrior' special rule - 30 points

Must take one of the following (as per this post)
- Greater Mark of Chaos Undivided - Free
- Greater Mark of Khorne - 20 Points
- Greater Mark of Slaanesh - 15 Points
- Greater Mark of Nurgle - 30 Points
- Greater Mark of Tzeentch - 25 Points

May replace Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for 10 points (I think Plasma is overpriced normally)

May replace close combat weapon with one of the following
- Power Weapon - 15 points
- Power Fist - 25 points
- Single Lightning Claw - 15 points
- Pair of Lightning Claws - 25 points
- Daemon Weapon (I'm undecided yet on how to do Daemon Weapons so they'll get their own post)

May upgrade bolter to a combi-weapon for 10 points.

May take one of the following
- Jump Pack or Wings - 25 points - Any Chaos Lord with a Jump Pack or Wings may take one Chaos Raptor unit as a troops choice as long as they have the same mark as the Lord. He does not have to join this unit unless he so desires.
- Bike - 30 points - Any Chaos Lord mounted on a Bike may take one Chaos Biker unit as a troops choice as long as they have the same mark as the Lord. He does not have to join this unit unless he so desires.
- Daemonic Steed - 30 points (Haven't decided if I'm happy with these the way they are or not so they'll probably get their own post as well)

May instead replace all wargear with Terminator Armour, Twin-Linked Bolter, Power Weapon, Personal Icon, Dark Halo for 30 points.

Must take one of the following
- Greater Mark of Chaos Undivided - Free
- Greater Mark of Khorne - 20 Points
- Greater Mark of Slaanesh - 15 Points
- Greater Mark of Nurgle - 30 Points
- Greater Mark of Tzeentch - 25 Points

May upgrade Twin-Linked Bolter to a combi-weapon for 5 points.

May replace Power weapon with
- Power Fist - 10 points
- Chain Fist - 15 Points
- Single Lightning Claw - 10 points
- Daemon Weapon (I'm undecided yet on how to do Daemon Weapons so they'll get their own post)

May replace Twin-Linked Bolter + Power Weapon for a pair of Lightning Claws for 10 points.

A Lord in either Power Armour or Terminator armour May replace Bolt Pistol + Bolt Gun or Twin Linked Bolter with a Kai Gun** for 20 Points.

** Kai Gun - Forged on a world lost deep in the Eye of Terror these weapons condense the power of the warp into a pulse of pure hatred.
Kai Gun - Range 36", S6, AP4, Assault D6, Pinning,

Mark specific upgrades (regardless of whether the Lord is in Power or Terminator Armour)

May take Blight Grenades for - 10 Points
May swap Bolter or Twin-Linked Bolter for a Sonic Blaster - 5 Points.
May take Blessing of the Blood God (as per the Chaos Daemons Codex) - 5 Points
May purchase Inferno Bolts, these will change the AP of any weapon he carries that fires a bolt round to AP3 - 10 points.

I'm beginning to appreciate the effort GW designers must have to go through to come up with this stuff (with the exception of Gav Thorpe who deserves nothing even approaching sympathy).

This entry will probably get a whole lot bigger as additional upgrades are suggested, but until then, Thoughts?

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Fixing C:CSM - Part 1 - Marks and Icons

As you may or may not be aware Codex: Chaos Space Marines isn't very all...not even slightly.

In the unlikely event that anybody from GW stumbles across my humble Blog i suppose I should be marginally more constructive than planning inventive ways of torturing Gav Thorpe to death.


Part 1 - Marks and Icons.

The problems.

1) Marks of Chaos don't really add much in real terms when you put them on a Chaos Lord or Sorceror and (up until recently) were only put on Daemon Princes so you could give them Lash of Submission.
2) On units I can understand them not having the same benefits as the 'Cult' troops, that's fair enough. What I don't understand is why they forget that they're slightly faster, tougher or whatever when the guy with the icon catches a bolt shell to the face. Apparently picking up sacred icons isn't covered in the 'So you've decided to turn to Chaos' handbook.

Solution to problem 1

Chaos Lords, Chaos Sorceror's and Daemon Princes should have access to a better Mark than an 'ordinary' Chaos Marine. Lets call them 'Greater Marks of Chaos' till I can think of something cooler.

Greater Mark of Chaos Undivided: +1S, Gains one free 're-roll' per game that may be used for any purpose.
Greater Mark of Khorne : +1 WS*, +1A, Furious Charge.
Greater Mark of Nurgle : +1 T, Feel no Pain, Defensive Grenades.
Greater Mark of Tzeentch** : Invulnerable save becomes 3+ (Chaos Lord), Rolls 3 Dice for Psychic tests and may discard one of his choice (Chaos Sorceror).
Greater Mark of Slaanesh : +2 I, Fleet, Defensive Grenades***.

* I'm going to make the Chaos Lord WS 8 basic so that +1 to WS will make a big difference.
** These are a bit lame but I couldn't think of anything better (for the moment).
*** Slaanesh is a tricky one as from a 'Fluff' point of view they should really have Feel no Pain.

Solution to problem 2

Units pay for a Mark. Feel free to make a nicely converted Icon Bearer but if he dies the unit still gets the 'Mark' upgrades it however loses the ability to use the Icon as a scatter prevention target for Deep Strikes. I personally think this is a decent compromise.

Note - These articles will probably get edited a lot as balance issues occur to me based on other changes.


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Lash then Blast?

Lash then Flamer is pretty good as well.

Leaving the 1" distance from the enemy you can still get 25 normal guys under a Flamer template*.

Worth remembering Vs. horde Orks or Guard 'Blob' units ;-)

* The accusation 'You have too much spare time' is entirely justified in this instance.
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Defilertank - Update

So I've made the 'sponson' guns and mounted them on plasticard with magnets behind so they can be easily swapped out for other configurations.
The radar dish is also magnetised and has been built to act as a 'blank' should the vehicle be 'counting as' something with no front weapon option.
There's a few spiky bits been added on the rear and underneath at the front.



A few more spikes and chains and it should be ready for undercoating.
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Is the Chaos Codex viable any-more? - Part 3.5

Another brief interlude.

On the rare occasions (these days anyway) that I use Chaos it's usually something like this.

1750 Pts - My Chaos Marines Roster - 1750

HQ: Daemon Prince (1#, 155 pts)
1 Daemon Prince @ 155 pts (Wings; Mark of Slaanesh; Lash of Submission x1)

HQ: Daemon Prince (1#, 155 pts)
1 Daemon Prince @ 155 pts (Wings; Mark of Slaanesh; Lash of Submission x1)

Elite: Chaos Terminators (4#, 140 pts)
1 Chaos Terminators @ 140 pts (Terminator)
4 Terminator (Combi-melta x4)

Troops: Noise Marines (6#, 210 pts)
5 Noise Marines @ 210 pts (Sonic Blaster x4; Blastmaster; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter; Havoc Launcher)

Troops: Noise Marines (6#, 210 pts)
5 Noise Marines @ 210 pts (Sonic Blaster x4; Blastmaster; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter; Havoc Launcher)

Troops: Noise Marines (6#, 210 pts)
5 Noise Marines @ 210 pts (Sonic Blaster x4; Blastmaster; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter; Havoc Launcher)

Troops: Noise Marines (6#, 210 pts)
5 Noise Marines @ 210 pts (Sonic Blaster x4; Blastmaster; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter; Havoc Launcher)

Heavy Support: Obliterators (3#, 225 pts)
3 Obliterators @ 225 pts

Heavy Support: Predator (1#, 115 pts)
1 Predator @ 115 pts (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Autocannon; Heavy Bolter; Havoc Launcher)

Heavy Support: Predator (1#, 115 pts)
1 Predator @ 115 pts (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Autocannon; Heavy Bolter; Havoc Launcher)

Total Roster Cost: 1745

A Predator deploys in each corner minimising the likely-hood of being shot in the side armour. Obliterators deploy in some cover.
Noise Marines are effectively Blastmaster bunkers.
Terminators 'deepstrike'.
Daemon Princes are counter assault units. Lash while not as useful in the 5th Ed. world of 'Mech' still annoys the fuck out of anybody foolish enough to be walking about without adequate psychic defence (Cough *Orks* , lol).

It's by no means the most optimised of lists but it served me well through much of 4th Ed. and I still have a soft spot for it.*

* In your face all those so called friends of mine who say I never play for fun ;-)

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Is the Chaos Codex viable any-more? - Part 3 - Rhino Rush

2000 Pts - Chaos Rhino Rush

HQ: Chaos Lord (1#, 90 pts)
1 Chaos Lord @ 90 pts

Elite: Chosen (6#, 165 pts)
5 Chosen @ 165 pts (Meltagun; Flamer x2; Meltagun x2; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter)

Elite: Chosen (6#, 165 pts)
5 Chosen @ 165 pts (Meltagun; Flamer x2; Meltagun x2; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter)

Elite: Chosen (6#, 165 pts)
5 Chosen @ 165 pts (Meltagun; Flamer x2; Meltagun x2; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter)

Troops: Plague Marines (6#, 170 pts)
5 Plague Marines @ 170 pts (Meltagun x2; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter)

Troops: Plague Marines (6#, 170 pts)
5 Plague Marines @ 170 pts (Meltagun x2; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter)

Troops: Plague Marines (6#, 170 pts)
5 Plague Marines @ 170 pts (Meltagun x2; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter)

Troops: Plague Marines (6#, 170 pts)
5 Plague Marines @ 170 pts (Meltagun x2; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter)

Troops: Plague Marines (6#, 170 pts)
5 Plague Marines @ 170 pts (Meltagun x2; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter)

Troops: Plague Marines (6#, 170 pts)
5 Plague Marines @ 170 pts (Meltagun x2; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter)

Heavy Support: Havocs (6#, 130 pts)
5 Havocs @ 130 pts (Flamer x4; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter)

Heavy Support: Havocs (6#, 130 pts)
5 Havocs @ 130 pts (Flamer x4; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter)

Heavy Support: Havocs (6#, 130 pts)
5 Havocs @ 130 pts (Flamer x4; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter)

Total Roster Cost: 1995

Lots of Melta, Lots of Flamers, 60 Marines.

There aren't many armies that can stop 12 Vehicles with Smoke Launchers (for that all important 4+ Cover save) before they're in your face.
Note - make sure you read the Tank Shock rules on page 68 of the main rule book before attempting to use this army. You'll be using them a lot ;-)

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Is the Chaos Codex viable any-more? - Part 2 - Chaos MC

So having perused through all the lists I can find online and assessed them based on my own playtesting and a bit of mathshammer these are the only really viable competitive Chaos lists I can find.

Note - These are based on my personal preferences which are winning and.....okay based on my only preference. Against a good opponent with an optimised list you'll struggle to win with a Chaos Space Marine list I'm afraid. At least with these you may have a decent chance.

List 1 - The Chaos MC list

2000 Pts - Chaos Marines Roster - Chaos MC

HQ: Daemon Prince (1#, 155 pts)
1 Daemon Prince @ 155 pts (Wings; Mark of Slaanesh; Lash of Submission x1)
HQ: Daemon Prince (1#, 155 pts)
1 Daemon Prince @ 155 pts (Wings; Mark of Slaanesh; Lash of Submission x1)

: Summoned Greater Daemon (1#, 100 pts)
1 Summoned Greater Daemon @ 100 pts

Elite: Dreadnought (1#, 115 pts)
1 Dreadnought @ 115 pts (Extra Armor; Dreadnought CCW; Twin Linked Bolter)
Elite: Dreadnought (1#, 115 pts)
1 Dreadnought @ 115 pts (Extra Armor; Dreadnought CCW; Twin Linked Bolter)
Elite: Dreadnought (1#, 115 pts)
1 Dreadnought @ 115 pts (Extra Armor; Dreadnought CCW; Twin Linked Bolter)

Troops: Plague Marines (7#, 208 pts)
5 Plague Marines @ 208 pts (Meltagun x2; Rhino)
1 Plague Champion
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter)

Troops: Plague Marines (6#, 175 pts)
5 Plague Marines @ 175 pts (Personal Icon; Meltagun x2; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter)
Troops: Plague Marines (6#, 175 pts)
5 Plague Marines @ 175 pts (Personal Icon; Meltagun x2; Rhino)
1 Rhino (Twin Linked Bolter)

: Summoned Lesser Daemon (6#, 78 pts)
6 Summoned Lesser Daemon @ 78 pts
: Summoned Lesser Daemon (6#, 78 pts)
6 Summoned Lesser Daemon @ 78 pts
: Summoned Lesser Daemon (6#, 78 pts)
6 Summoned Lesser Daemon @ 78 pts

Heavy Support: Defiler (1#, 150 pts)
1 Defiler @ 150 pts (Close Combat Arm; Close Combat Arm; Fleet)
Heavy Support: Defiler (1#, 150 pts)
1 Defiler @ 150 pts (Close Combat Arm; Close Combat Arm; Fleet)
Heavy Support: Defiler (1#, 150 pts)
1 Defiler @ 150 pts (Close Combat Arm; Close Combat Arm; Fleet)

Total Roster Cost: 1997

There's still some scope for customisation as long as the fundamentals are kept.

The 'big monster' count needs to stay close to maximum (2 Princes, 1 Greater Daemon, 3 Dreadnoughts and 3 Defilers) what's left is changeable based on personal preference.
The Lash Princes are great if the majority of your opponents still have guys who walk about either by necessity (pure Drop Pod armies etc.) or by preference (The obligatory Ork Horde guy, lol). If your local 'metagame' is more 'Mech' then swap out the Slaanesh Princes for Nurgle ones with Warptime (dropping a unit of Lesser Daemons pays for it easily).

Due to the increased survivability of vehicles in 5th. Ed. I rarely bother with extra armour on anything any-more. However in this list you need everything moving towards the enemy as fast as possible. Your opponent can stop shooting at a Dreadnought that can't move towards him (because It's stunned) and move onto something else but if all that's wrong with it is that it can't shoot It's Twin-Linked Bolters then it's still as big a threat as before (you were most likely going to run it anyway unless it was in charge range).

Also remember that Defilers have Smoke Launchers for that all important cover save (you'd be amazed how many people forget that it can 'Fleet' let alone that it can pop smoke).

For 1750 drop the Lesser Daemons, the Personal Icons and swap a Plague Marine Meltagun for a Flamer.

In Part 3 - The Return of the 'Rhino Rush'.

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Thunderwolf Cavalry - The List

If I can finally make up my mind about how I want the Thunderwolf Cavalry models to look I'll probably use something like this...

1750 Pts - Thunderwolf Cavalry - Ver1.0 - 230510

HQ: Canis Wolfborn (1#, 185 pts)
1 Canis Wolfborn @ 185 pts

Elite: Iron Priest (5#, 155 pts)
1 Iron Priest @ 155 pts (Thunderwolf Mount; Add Cyberwolves; Rending in CC only)
1 Servo Arm
4 Cyberwolf (Counter-attack)

Elite: Iron Priest (5#, 155 pts)
1 Iron Priest @ 155 pts (Thunderwolf Mount; Add Cyberwolves; Rending in CC only)
1 Servo Arm
4 Cyberwolf (Counter-attack)

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (10#, 155 pts)
10 Grey Hunters Pack @ 155 pts (Meltagun; Meltagun)

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (10#, 155 pts)
10 Grey Hunters Pack @ 155 pts (Meltagun; Meltagun)

Troops: Fenrisian Wolf Pack (15#, 120 pts)
15 Fenrisian Wolf Pack @ 120 pts

Fast Attack: Thunderwolf Cavalry (5#, 275 pts)
1 Thunderwolf Cavalry @ 275 pts (Thunderwolf Cavalry)
4 Thunderwolf Cavalry
1 Thunderwolf Cavalry (Power Fist)

Fast Attack: Thunderwolf Cavalry (5#, 275 pts)
1 Thunderwolf Cavalry @ 275 pts (Thunderwolf Cavalry)
4 Thunderwolf Cavalry
1 Thunderwolf Cavalry (Power Fist)

Fast Attack: Thunderwolf Cavalry (5#, 275 pts)
1 Thunderwolf Cavalry @ 275 pts (Thunderwolf Cavalry)
4 Thunderwolf Cavalry
1 Thunderwolf Cavalry (Power Fist)

Total Roster Cost: 1750

It shouldn't work out too expensive either if I'm representing the Cavalry like in this post.

I already have the Grey Hunters.
The Chaos Warhounds that I'm currently using to represent Fleshhounds in my Daemon army can double as Fenrisian Wolves.

That just leaves the Thunderwolf Cavalry and Priests.

3 boxes of Khorne Berzerkers (I'll only be using the running legs, lol). = £54
5 boxes of Chaos Warhounds = £60

Everything else I can create from my 'Bitz Box'.

This does however mean I've reached my self imposed limit of 5 projects on the go at once....

Best get on and finish something then I suppose ;-)

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Thunderwolf Cavalry.

Maybe it's just me but I just can't except the idea of Space Marines of any kind riding great big wolves. Or (if the Canis model is anything to go buy) riding giant, cybernetic, bow-legged squirrels.

Therefore an alternative that worked for me needed to be found.

'Thunderwolf Cavalry' concept model.

I used 3 wolves as I thought that using 2 would be too similar to the wargear option of a pair of Fenrisian wolves.

I'm not 100% sure about the chains though. Maybe having the 'handler' holding a whip of some kind would look better*?
* Of course that adds the problem of finding and/or making 12 whips :-(

As usual all input will be welcomed.
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Is the Chaos Codex viable any-more? - Part 1.5

A brief interlude featuring Chaos Dreadnoughts.

Picture the scene - You've foolishly given your Chaos Dreadnought a Multi-Melta. At the beginning of the movement phase you roll a 1 for 'Crazed' and end up with Fire Frenzy. There's an enemy Land Raider 8" directly in front of you and one of your own Rhino's 7" behind you. So you turn the Dreadnought around to face the closest unit (Your own Rhino) blow it to pieces and then vow to never use a Chaos Dreadnought again.


I don't think so.

The rules say no such thing and I'm at a loss why everybody insists on playing it that way.
This isn't a matter of my opinion by the way it's how the rules are bloody written.

I suppose I'm going to have to convince you now aren't I? *
*Credit goes to Stelek at YTTH who had already compiled much of this info in a doc that I am borrowing heavily from.

First the rule itself says this...

Fire Frenzy. The Chaos dreadnought may not move or assault this turn. At the beginning of the Shooting phase it must pivot on the spot towards the nearest visible unit (friend or foe!) and fire all of its weapons against it - twice! If the Chaos Dreadnought cannot fire any ranged weapons, treat this result as a '2-5 Sane' result instead.

1) Have you lost all your ranged weapons? Are you Stunned or Shaken? If yes ignore Fire Frenzy and move normally. Note that being out of range or being out of line of sight of anything does not preclude you from Fire Frenzy.

2) So now it's the Movement phase. Do not move your Chaos Dreadnought! You may still pivot, as pivoting in the movement phase is not movement (page 57, main rulebook). This means I can pivot the Dreadnought myself if I like and point it anywhere I damn well feel like.

3) So onto the Shooting phase. Determine what is the closest visible unit. You determine what is visible on vehicles from your weapons mounting point. (Page 56, main rulebook).

4) Shooting phase. Determine your weapons mounting type, which on Dreadnoughts are counted as hull mounted (page 72, main rulebook).

5) Shooting phase. Determine what you can see using steps 3 and 4. You have a 45 degree arc on your left arm and right arm weapons, unless those have been blocked by terrain or by weapon destroyed results.

6) Shooting phase. Can you 'see' anything from your weapon mounts? Determine (by measuring, page 3 of the main rulebook) what unit (Friend or Foe!) is closest and in line of sight.

7) Shooting phase. Ignore all other units, even if they are closer than what you can 'see from your weapons mount point' at the start of the shooting phase (page 40, Fire Frenzy--beginning of the shooting phase you MUST fire crazed Dreads first). If both of your weapons cannot 'see' the enemy that you determined is closest, this is where you pivot to bring all guns onto the target.

8) See the closest visible target at the start of the phase, then pivot to fire--not pivot and then fire. Dreads cannot 'see' all around, no vehicle can. (Page 56, main rulebook). The wording of 'closest visible' is what matters. In the old edition (4th) you could literally see 'all around' with vehicles but you now cannot as this game mechanic has been properly defined as of this edition (5th).

9) Shooting phase. Attempt to fire all weapons twice at the target--even against targets you cannot hurt, Fire Frenzy requires you to fire them anyway. Any weapons out of range automatically miss, (page 17 main rulebook).

So as you can see what should happen in our example at the top of this post is that the Dreadnought fires it's Multi-Melta at the Land Raider (twice) as it's the closest visible target based on the rulebooks definitions. In fact if for some reason I was facing backwards towards my own lines I could pivot back around towards the Land Raider (As per point 2, above) and as long as it was the closest visible target based on the above parameters I'd still end up being able to shoot at the Land Raider.

The floor is now open for opposing viewpoints. Of course any opposing viewpoints that don't quote specific rules and page numbers that invalidate anything I have stated will be ignored as meaningless ;-)

You have read this article Analysis / Chaos Dreadnoughts / Chaos Space Marines with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

Is the Chaos Codex viable any-more? - Part 1

I like Chaos, Lets be honest the bad guys get all the best lines in all the movie's and being evil is sort of cool.

So why does the Chaos Codex suck so badly then?

Lets go through the book entry by entry as I have nothing better to do right now.

Unique HQ's
Abaddon - Too expensive, nothing really viable as an 'escort' for him.
Fabius Bile - Would be fine if 'Enhanced Warriors' was more reliable and could also effect Havocs, Chosen etc.
Huron - Not any better than a Sorcerer or Lord of the same points value.
Typhus - Too expensive, needs to be base toughness 5 and be an Eternal Warrior. Also 'The Destroyer Hive' which is meant to be a virus so lethal that it corrupted an entire Legion of Marines is represented by....He gets Frag and Blight Grenades...Really...That's the best you could fucking come up with Gav!!!
Kharn - Fucking awesome...If you can actually get him into combat...which you won't against any decently constructed 5th Ed. army because his transport will probably die on turn 1*.
* Admittedly you could put him in a Land Raider but they're 25 points cheaper than the Space Marine equivalent and about 75 points worse and will probably still die on turn 1.
Ahriman - 2nd most powerful Psyker in the Galaxy after Magnus, really? Not in this codex he's not.
Lucius - In my opinion he's slightly underrated, but suffers from the same problems as Kharn and Huron.

Daemon Prince - One of the 2 (3 if you include Kharn) useful HQ choices. Unfortunately the proliferation of 'Mech' has made Lash of Submission much less useful and torrenting a unit with 4 Wounds and at best a 3+ save to death is not tricky (I've done it with one Predator on more than 1 occasion). Best use is now imo Wings, Mark of Nurgle, Warptime at 175 points.
Chaos Lord - Not awesome enough unfortunately. Considering what becoming a Chaos Lord actually takes they should be the Close Combat characters in 40K (Think tooled up Wolf Lord and then some). Lord 'marks' should also be better than the standard ones.
Chaos Sorcerer - Useful as a Lash platform and slightly more useful as the addition of a Familiar gives you access to a 2nd ability. Best set-up imo is Mark of Slaanesh, Lash of Submission, Familiar, Warptime with perhaps Meltabombs to take advantage of Warptimes re-roll to hit.

Viable Units - Kharn, Daemon Prince or Chaos Sorcerer.

Chosen - Okay as a suicide Meltagun unit, shit at anything else.
Chaos Terminators - Fairly Cheap. Again only real use is as what the internet delightfully refers to as 'termicide' (3-4 man unit deep strikes with Combi-Meltas, kills a tank then dies to enemy shooting).
Possessed - Moving on................Okay, if you insist........If random ability was rolled for before deployment and they were 5 points cheaper then maybe, but it isn't and they're not so they're crap.
Chaos Dreadnought - Either give it a Multi-Melta, use it like the Marine equivalent and hope you never roll a 1 or give it an extra Dreadnought Close Combat arm and run towards the enemy as fast as you can and hope you reach something you can tear to pieces.

Viable Units - Terminators and Dreadnoughts (If your feeling lucky**)
** How I and the RAW think the 'Fire Frenzy' rule works and how most people actually play it differ, but that debate needs a post of it's own ;-)

Chaos Space Marines - They're not bad. Unfortunately they're not as good as the 'Cult' units.
Plague Marines - The No.1 Chaos Troop choice. Hard to kill and can take 2 specials at only 5 men, both of which things make them awesome.
Noise Marines - A solid enough choice. However, like most Chaos units they start to get expensive once you tool them up. Blastmasters are great (if a little overpointed) as is the Doom Siren. The downside is they aren't as survivable as Plague Marines or as good in a scrap as Khorne Berzerkers but they're a decent enough 3rd Choice or if your trying to justify dual Lash by claiming your army is themed around Slaanesh, lol.
Khorne Berzerkers - They kill 90% of the infantry units they assault and then die to return fire in the enemies turn. Also holding objectives when your ranged firepower is a bunch of Bolt Pistols is quite a challenge. They also need something to pop the enemies transport for them and effective, ranged, anti-tank is one of many big weakness of the Codex in general.
Thousand Sons - They get AP3 bolters which isn't as awesome any-more due to the proliferation of cover saves in 5th ed. They also have to take a 1W, 70 point minimum sorcerer who will be useless vs. Eldar runes or anybody with psychic defence (which these days is every fucker) and they're slow.

Viable Units - Chaos Space Marines (In an appropriate build), Plague Marines, Khorne Berzerkers (If supported), Noise Marines.

Fast Attack (This shouldn't take long)
Chaos Bikers - Suicide Melta units
Chaos Raptors - Need to be able to take 3 specials or have option for Combi-Melta on the Champion (as do Chaos Bikers tbh)
Chaos Spawn - Slow and Purposeful...In the 'Fast Attack' section...really? Fearless + No armour save = Dead in combat.

Viable Units - None.

Heavy Support
Chaos Havocs - Don't make them too expensive and they'll be fine (that means Missile Launchers or Autocannons, not Lascannons) also useful in a 'Rhino Rush' style list with Meltaguns or Flamers. Can also effectively be made a scoring unit by giving them an Icon and buying a unit of Lesser Daemons (Lesser Daemons arrive from reserve, place them in cover with the Havoc Squad, Go to ground with them the moment anything shoots at them). Hopefully next edition they'll follow the current Codices trends and their weapons will drop in points.
Obliterators - The 'Swiss Army Knife' of Heavy Support units, Lacks a ranged anti-infantry weapon but other than that they can do anything. Only downside is when they're up against Armour 14 as they're not really mobile enough to get into short Melta range without suicidal deep strikes.
Chaos Predator - Identical to the Marine equivalent fits exactly the same role. With a Havoc Launcher added it actually works better than the Marine Version for the anti-infantry role and is still worth considering even with the 15 point 'Chaos Tax' added to the price.
Chaos Vindicator - Great in principle if it wasn't for the fact that most viable Chaos builds involve getting in close and personal to the enemy. So you get 1 shot with it and then your as much danger to yourself as to the enemy. Daemonic Possession is a no brainer upgrade (Possession is only 5 points more expensive than Extra Armour and on something that fires a Large Blast the loss of BS is more than made up for by ignoring 1-2 on the vehicle damage table).
Chaos Defiler - Good in a Chaos MC list, needs to be Armour 13 really. Give them 2 additional Dreadnought Close Combat arms or 1 and keep the Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer. Don't forget you have Smoke Launchers and can Fleet. Take 3 or take none.
Chaos Land Raider - The loss of the 'Power of the Machine Spirit' equivalent really hurt these. 25 points cheaper than the Marine equivalent and about 50*** points less good. It's a vehicle with ranged weapons that (in a Chaos army) will be charging into enemy Melta range at high speed to deliver choppy death. Hopefully we'll get an inventive Chaos variant next codex.
*** I may have said 75 points worse earlier but I was probably exaggerating to make a point.

Viable Units - All have their place in an appropriate build.

Summoned Daemons
Greater Daemon - Even adding the price of the Champion you explode from it's a reasonable priced CC killing machine. Dies to torrent of fire just like a Daemon Prince once it's out of combat, however. Works best in a MC style list.
Lesser Daemons - Cheap scoring unit.

Viable Units - Both have their place.

Though you can throw together a Battleforce army if you like there aren't many 'competitive' Chaos army builds. Once you skim the good stuff out of the book you can see why most competitive players ended up using some variant of this.

'The' Tournament List.
Every man and his dog used to use this in tournaments. Given the increases in survivability given to vehicles in 5th Ed. Obliterators have lost some of their 'punch' at range. Now any decent 5th Ed. army should be able to destroy the Marines Transports and torrent the Princes to death first turn.

Daemon Prince, Wings, Mark of Slaanesh, Lash (155)
Daemon Prince, Wings, Mark of Slaanesh, Lash (155)

Plague Marines x5, Meltaguns x2, Rhino (170)
Plague Marines x5, Meltaguns x2, Rhino (170)
Plague Marines x5, Meltaguns x2, Rhino (170)

Obliterators x3 (225)
Obliterators x3 (225)
Obliterators x3 (225)

Total - 1495

The sad truth is that Most Chaos Legions can be better represented by other codices.

World Eaters - Blood Angels or Space Wolves
Night Lords - Blood Angels
Iron Warriors - Space Marines

The list goes on but you get the idea.

There are a few different viable Chaos army lists that exist that various blogs and websites have put forward some of which I've tested out which I'll discuss in the next post (this one is a bit bloody long now).

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FLGS* Tournament concept.

* FLGS is Friendly Local Gaming Store for those who didn't know.

First a couple of truths...

1) Most of us play against the same half a dozen people over and over again.
2) Real life prevents many people from playing against different opponents as matching schedules can be tricky.

I therefore propose a Tournament based around the following concepts.

1) I like 2000 points.
2) I'm guilty of both the points in the 'Truths' section at the top of this post ;-)

So onto the idea

Stage 1.
1) A sign up sheet will be posted in a prominent location in my FLGS.
2) Each entrant must hand in a typed (or at least neatly written) 2000 point legal army list to the tournament organiser (referred to as TO from now on).
3) Once a predetermined number of people is reached (Ideally 8,16 or 32 etc.) Each person will be given a randomly determined opponent.
4) A mission type and deployment type will be allocated (This will probably be determined before opponents are allocated in the interest of fairness).

Stage 2.
5) Each 'Pair' will have 7 days to arrange a 2000 point per side game who's result must be witnessed by either a member of staff or one of the people on a predetermined list (to be decided later).
6) Victory Points must also be counted for use in the event of a draw.
7) Results will be made available to the TO

Stage 3.
8) In the event that we have a nice easy to calculate number of entrants (8, 16, 32, 64 etc.) all the winners will go on to the next round. If that isn't the case then the top 8,16, etc entrants will go through to the next round based on wins first and VP's second.
9) Before opponent and mission are allocated up to 250 points of your army may be changed (This is to allow optimisation of your army through the tournament process). In this case a new army list must be submitted to the TO.
10) A different Mission and Deployment type will be allocated and another random set of 'pairs' will be selected.
11) We effectively go through stage 2 again but with a reduced number of contestants.

Stage 4.
12) We keep on going till we have an overall champion.

Though I think tournaments with prizes often can lead to less than honourable behaviour we could have each entrant put in a token 'entry fee' of £1 or £2 with the overall winner and runner up getting a percentage of the 'pot' each.

It's just an idea that has been at the back of my mind for a while now. If the idea can be fine tuned and enough people are interested I'd be happy to organise it.

As usual all ideas and criticisms will be gratefully received.

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'Counts As' Sternguard.

My Noise Marines need something to do till the Chaos Codex is redone and they come with Sonic Blasters as standard but still only cost 20 Points. Either that or Sonic Blasters come with a Sternguard-like variety of fire modes.
On that note, Blastmasters will count as Lascannons and Sonic Blasters will count as Sternguard Bolters without stretching the imagination too far. Now they just need an army list of some kind...

1750 Pts - Space Marine - 'Count As' Sternguard - 170510

HQ: Space Marine Librarian (1#, 100 pts)
1 Space Marine Librarian @ 100 pts ( Power Armour; Null Zone; The Gate of Infinity)
1 Power Armour

Elite: Sternguard Veteran Squad (6#, 200 pts)
4 Sternguard Veteran Squad @ 200 pts (Combi-Meltagun x2; Lascannon x2; Rhino)
1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol)
1 Rhino (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Storm Bolter)
Elite: Sternguard Veteran Squad (6#, 200 pts)
4 Sternguard Veteran Squad @ 200 pts (Combi-Meltagun x2; Lascannon x2; Rhino)
1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol)
1 Rhino (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Storm Bolter)
Elite: Sternguard Veteran Squad (6#, 200 pts)
4 Sternguard Veteran Squad @ 200 pts (Combi-Meltagun x2; Lascannon x2; Rhino)
1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol)
1 Rhino (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Storm Bolter)

Troops: Tactical Squad (6#, 165 pts)
4 Tactical Squad @ 165 pts (Razorback)
1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Bolter)
1 Razorback (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)
Troops: Tactical Squad (6#, 165 pts)
4 Tactical Squad @ 165 pts (Razorback)
1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Bolter)
1 Razorback (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)
Troops: Tactical Squad (6#, 165 pts)
4 Tactical Squad @ 165 pts (Razorback)
1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Bolter)
1 Razorback (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 90 pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron @ 90 pts (Typhoon Missile Launcher x1)
Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 90 pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron @ 90 pts (Typhoon Missile Launcher x1)
Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 90 pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron @ 90 pts (Typhoon Missile Launcher x1)

Heavy Support: Predator (1#, 95 pts)
1 Predator @ 95 pts (Hunter Killer Missile; Heavy Bolter (each side))
Heavy Support: Predator (1#, 95 pts)
1 Predator @ 95 pts (Hunter Killer Missile; Heavy Bolter (each side))
Heavy Support: Predator (1#, 95 pts)
1 Predator @ 95 pts (Hunter Killer Missile; Heavy Bolter (each side))

Total Roster Cost: 1750

Sternguard have a couple of Combi-Meltas so they can suicide forward if necessary. Mostly they'll just fire Lascannons from the comfort of their Rhino.

It's mostly just an excuse to use my Noise Marines to be honest. If someone can come up with a better way of doing it I'm open to suggestions.
You have read this article Army Lists / Space Marines with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

Post Tournament Analysis

So after this Practice Tournament, did I learn anything.

Game 1
Having more long range fire-power than my opponent I took the slightly strange decision to not actually deploy on my own objective. Positioning allowed me to effectively target the whole board with both anti-infantry and anti-tank firepower anyway and forcing your opponent to either ignore your army and head towards the objective (being shot to shit all the way) or split their force both have there benefits. My army is pretty mobile and tends to worry about objectives later rather than straight away (people often seem to forget that it's what objectives your sitting on at the end of the game that count not the ones you were sitting on turns 1-4). My dice were doing there usual rolling 1's and 2's to hit thing which made it harder going than it should have, lol.
Both Ironclads and Venerables are difficult to kill with minimal Melta and 5 Dreadnoughts in 1500 points is unusual to say the least.
Other than the fact that I needed to throw my dice away 3 games ago I didn't learn anything from this match that I didn't already now.
Lessons learned.
1) Ironclads and Venerables are difficult to kill.
2) Deployment can win or lose you the game in 5th Ed. Think about it carefully.
3) My dice hate me.

It's worth mentioning at this point that Adam rarely uses super-competitive optimised armies. He does however play lots of games with them and gets the maximum effectiveness possible from them.

Game 2.
Having your opponent outflank with their whole army is irritating if your a gunline. If the army then turns up in it's entirety on turn 2 that's pretty annoying as well. My shooting was Orklike in it's rubbishness (again). That said, a couple of 1's rolled for Melta weapons saved me from an early disaster and I managed to drag myself back into the running. If my shooting had been anywhere near average I'm reasonably sure I would have won this one.
Lessons learned.
1) My dice continue to hate me.

Game 3
I've destroyed large chunks of Dave's guard army with us both playing almost identical lists to these. Today was not to be a repeat of that, unfortunately. Good deployment limited the damage somewhat but after the 15th 1 was rolled I'd pretty much lost interest.
Kill Points missions are not my friend at low points levels (I consider anything below 1750 to be low). I failed to hit with pretty much all of my anti-tank and then the vehicles that should have been dead killed my anti-tank in return. Being as we're stuck with Kill Points till GW realise that people are perfectly capable of adding up Victory Points I may have to consider reducing the Kill Point count of my army some how*.
*Yes GW you win I'll make my army less effective because your mission design team is a bunch of lazy useless fuckwits, I hope your happy with yourselves, this is why so many people leave this hobby and go and play something else.
Lessons learned.
1) 1500 Points is no longer the points level that 40K is balanced for, 2000 is probably more like it. Be nice if GW would just be honest about this and had designed missions accordingly.
2) Including as many Armour 13 vehicles as you have Armour 11 Transports increases the survivability of said transports exponentially.
3) Decent deployment is essential.

Lessons learned about my army.
1) Marine Mech and Space Wolves Mech need to be built differently. Copy/Paste/Change points values makes you lose out on some of the benefits of the new army without necessarily gaining you anything.

All in all it was a lot of fun. A few other points spring to mind based on the tournament aspects of the day.

1) My crappy dice rolls are not my opponents fault so I try not to take it too seriously.
2) 3 Games isn't enough really for a tournament. Next time I'll try to fit in 4. The first 3 will follow the same format as today with a 4th Game being a different mission/deployment combo pitting the top 2 players against each other and also the bottom 2.
3) 'Friendly' games with competitive opponents are the best way to improve your game. Never be afraid to try out something new, better that it fails in good company rather than while playing against some twat in a tournament.
4) Don't change your list straight away unless the weakness you've discovered is glaring. Play it as is for at least 3 games vs. different armies before you decide that you don't need Meltaguns because they're not much use against the foot horde Ork army you played against twice ;-).

That turned into a bit of a rant at times but I'm too tired to tidy it up so I'm going to post it as is...
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Mike Leach's 'Flying Circus'

Well I think these look awesome so they get their own post.

If the infantry is finished to anywhere near the standard of the transports (which I'm sure they will be) then this is going to be in with a very good chance for some 'best-painted' prizes.

There is some scenery that goes on the bases which is removable (for disembarkation convenience) which adds to the look as well. I'll try to get some pictures at some point with the base scenery attached.

You have read this article Imperial Guard / Painting Projects with the title May 2010. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

1500 Point Mini-Tournament.

So, we had a tournament between 4 of us at my house today.

3 games so everybody played everybody else once.

Game 1 - Pitched Battle + Capture and Control
Game 2 - Spearhead + Seize Ground
Game 3 - Dawn of War + Annihilation

The 1500 point event we're practising for also has the rule that there's no turn 7 and turn 6 only happens on a 4+ so we used that rule for these games.

It just wasn't practical to do battle reports of every game, I will however be posting the army lists and results.

Adams army wasn't painted yet and Dave had packed his away before he remembered I was going to take pictures so your only getting pictures of what Me and Mike used. Mikes Valkyries and Vendettas look awesome and will therefore be getting their very own blog post straight after this one.

Onto the armies (If you can call 1500 points an army)

1500 Pts - Garreths 'Night Reapers' Space Marines

My list was an (almost painted) cut down version of one of my 1750 Mech. lists. There are some Marines as well but they're a bit camera shy ;-)

HQ: Space Marine Librarian (1#, 100 pts)
1 Space Marine Librarian @ 100 pts ( Power Armour; The Avenger; The Gate of Infinity)
1 Power Armour

Elite: Dreadnought (1#, 125 pts)
1 Dreadnought @ 125 pts (Twin Linked Autocannon; Twin Linked Autocannon)
Elite: Dreadnought (1#, 125 pts)
1 Dreadnought @ 125 pts (Twin Linked Autocannon; Twin Linked Autocannon)
Elite: Dreadnought (1#, 125 pts)
1 Dreadnought @ 125 pts (Twin Linked Autocannon; Twin Linked Autocannon)

Troops: Tactical Squad (6#, 165 pts)
4 Tactical Squad @ 165 pts (Razorback)
1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Bolter)
1 Razorback (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)
Troops: Tactical Squad (6#, 175 pts)
4 Tactical Squad @ 175 pts (Razorback)
1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Bolter)
1 Razorback (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Hunter Killer Missile; Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)
Troops: Tactical Squad (6#, 175 pts)
4 Tactical Squad @ 175 pts (Razorback)
1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Bolter)
1 Razorback (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Hunter Killer Missile; Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 90 pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron @ 90 pts (Typhoon Missile Launcher x1)
Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 90 pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron @ 90 pts (Typhoon Missile Launcher x1)
Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 70 pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron @ 70 pts (Multi-Melta x1; Heavy Flamer x1)

Heavy Support: Predator (1#, 85 pts)
1 Predator @ 85 pts (Heavy Bolter (each side))
Heavy Support: Predator (1#, 85 pts)
1 Predator @ 85 pts (Heavy Bolter (each side))
Heavy Support: Predator (1#, 85 pts)
1 Predator @ 85 pts (Heavy Bolter (each side))

1500 Pts - Mikes Imperial Guard

Mike used his 'Flying Circus' (Ill be posted more pictures of this army later today)

HQ: Company Command Squad (6#, 100 pts)
4 Company Command Squad @ 100 pts (Meltagun x2; Officer of the Fleet)
1 Company Commander
1 Officer of the Fleet

Elite: Storm Trooper Squad (10#, 185 pts)
9 Storm Trooper Squad @ 185 pts (Meltagun x2)
1 Storm Trooper Sergeant

Troops: Veteran Squad (10#, 135 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 135 pts (Flamer x2; Gunnery Sergeant Harker)
1 Gunnery Sergeant Harker
Troops: Veteran Squad (10#, 130 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 130 pts (Camo Cloak; Snare Mines; Meltagun x3; Forward Sentries)
1 Veteran Sergeant (Camo Cloak; Snare Mines)Troops: Veteran Squad (10#, 130 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 130 pts (Camo Cloak; Snare Mines; Meltagun x3; Forward Sentries)
1 Veteran Sergeant (Camo Cloak; Snare Mines)

Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (2#, 260 pts)
1 Vendetta Gunship Squadron @ 260 pts
1 Vendetta
1 Vendetta
Fast Attack: Valkyrie Assault Carrier Squadron (2#, 280 pts)
1 Valkyrie Assault Carrier Squadron @ 280 pts
1 Valkyrie (Multiple Rocket Pods x2; Heavy Bolter Sponsons x2)
1 Valkyrie (Multiple Rocket Pods x2; Heavy Bolter Sponsons x2)
Fast Attack: Valkyrie Assault Carrier Squadron (2#, 280 pts)
1 Valkyrie Assault Carrier Squadron @ 280 pts
1 Valkyrie (Multiple Rocket Pods x2; Heavy Bolter Sponsons x2)
1 Valkyrie (Multiple Rocket Pods x2; Heavy Bolter Sponsons x2)

1500 Pts - Adams Iron Hands

Adam cut down his Iron Hands list from 1750 which I personally thought wouldn't work very well. I however turned out to be completely wrong.

HQ: Master of the Forge (1#, 105 pts)
1 Master of the Forge @ 105 pts (Storm Bolter)
1 Servo Harness

Elite: Venerable Dreadnought (1#, 185 pts)
1 Venerable Dreadnought @ 185 pts (Assault Cannon; Twin Linked Autocannon)
Elite: Venerable Dreadnought (1#, 185 pts)
1 Venerable Dreadnought @ 185 pts (Assault Cannon; Twin Linked Autocannon)
Elite: Venerable Dreadnought (1#, 200 pts)
1 Venerable Dreadnought @ 200 pts (Extra Armor; Heavy Flamer; Assault Cannon)

Troops: Tactical Squad (11#, 295 pts)
9 Tactical Squad @ 295 pts (Meltagun; Lascannon; Razorback)
1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Power Fist x1)
1 Razorback (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Hunter Killer Missile; Twin Linked Assault Cannon)
Troops: Tactical Squad (6#, 200 pts)
4 Tactical Squad @ 200 pts (Razorback)
1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Power Fist x1)
1 Razorback (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Hunter Killer Missile; Twin Linked Assault Cannon)

Heavy Support: Ironclad Dreadnought (1#, 165 pts)
1 Ironclad Dreadnought @ 165 pts (Hunter-Killer Missile(s) x2; Heavy Flamer)
Heavy Support: Ironclad Dreadnought (1#, 165 pts)
1 Ironclad Dreadnought @ 165 pts (Hunter-Killer Missile(s) x2; Heavy Flamer)

1500 Pts - Dave's Imperial Guard

Dave brought his 1500 point Guard army which always seems to improbably pick my armies to pieces or fall apart if I throw a sharp rock at it but never anything in-between, lol. Unfortunately as he taught me how to play he also has an uncanny knack of guessing what I'm going to do next.

HQ: Company Command Squad (5#, 70 pts)
2 Company Command Squad @ 70 pts (Heavy Weapons Team)
1 Heavy Weapons Team (Lascannon)
1 Company Commander

Elite: Ratling Squad (5#, 50 pts)
5 Ratling Squad @ 50 pts

Troops: Veteran Squad (10#, 90 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 90 pts (Meltagun x2)
1 Veteran Sergeant
Troops: Infantry Platoon (55#, 340 pts)
1 Infantry Platoon @ 340 pts
4 Platoon Command Squad
1 Platoon Commander
7 Infantry Squad (Heavy Weapons Team)
1 Heavy Weapons Team (Autocannon)
1 Sergeant
7 Infantry Squad (Heavy Weapons Team)
1 Heavy Weapons Team (Autocannon)
1 Sergeant
7 Infantry Squad (Heavy Weapons Team)
1 Heavy Weapons Team (Autocannon)
1 Sergeant
7 Infantry Squad (Heavy Weapons Team)
1 Heavy Weapons Team (Missile Launcher)
1 Sergeant
7 Infantry Squad (Heavy Weapons Team)
1 Heavy Weapons Team (Missile Launcher)
1 Sergeant

Fast Attack: Valkyrie Assault Carrier Squadron (1#, 140 pts)
1 Valkyrie Assault Carrier Squadron @ 140 pts
1 Valkyrie (Multiple Rocket Pods x2; Heavy Bolter Sponsons x2)
Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (2#, 260 pts)
1 Vendetta Gunship Squadron @ 260 pts
1 Vendetta
1 Vendetta

Heavy Support: Leman Russ Squadron (1#, 200 pts)
1 Leman Russ Squadron @ 200 pts
1 Leman Russ Demolisher (Lascannon; Heavy Bolter Sponsons x2)
Heavy Support: Leman Russ Squadron (1#, 200 pts)
1 Leman Russ Squadron @ 200 pts
1 Leman Russ Demolisher (Lascannon; Heavy Bolter Sponsons x2)
Heavy Support: Hydra Flak Tank Battery (2#, 150 pts)
1 Hydra Flak Tank Battery @ 150 pts
1 Hydra Flak Tank
1 Hydra Flak Tank

Results (Win =30, Draw = 10, Loss =1)

Game 1 - Table 1 - Mike Vs. Dave Table 2 - Garreth Vs. Adam
Game 2 - Table 1 - Dave Vs. Adam Table 2 - Mike Vs. Garreth
Game 3 - Table 1 - Mike Vs. Adam Table 2 - Dave Vs. Garreth

1st Adam - 1,30,30 (61) VP's Scored- 3580, VP's Conceded - 2018
2nd Dave - 30,1,30 (61) VP's Scored- 2686, VP's Conceded - 2593
3rd Garreth - 30,10,1 (41) VP's Scored- 2417, VP's Conceded - 2202
4th Mike - 1,10,1 (12) VP's Scored- 2170, VP's Conceded - 3853

Most Bloody Game - Dave Vs. Mike - 2308 VP's Dead.
Closest Game - Dave Vs. Garreth - 187 VP's difference.

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Space Wolves on Foot.

I know that in 5th Ed. Mech is king but I have a lot of Chaos Space Marines that feel a little left out that have luckily got the hang of 'Counting-As' other things, so...

1500 Pts - Space Wolves - On Foot

HQ: Rune Priest (1#, 125 pts)
1 Rune Priest @ 125 pts ( Power Armour)
1 Rune Priest in Power Armour (Chooser of the Slain; Wolf Tail Talisman; Jaws of the World Wolf; Living Lightning; Saga of the Beastslayer)

Elite: Wolf Guard Pack (5#, 190 pts)
1 Wolf Guard Pack @ 190 pts (Wolf Guard in Power Armour; Wolf Guard in Power Armour; Wolf Guard in Power Armour; Wolf Guard in Power Armour; Wolf Guard in Power Armour)
1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Bolt Pistol; Power Fist x1)
1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Bolt Pistol; Power Fist x1)
1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Bolt Pistol; Power Fist x1)
1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Bolt Pistol; Power Fist x1)
1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour (Bolt Pistol; Power Fist x1)

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (10#, 180 pts)
9 Grey Hunters Pack @ 180 pts (Mark of the Wulfen; Wolf Standard; Meltagun; Meltagun)
1 Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (10#, 180 pts)
9 Grey Hunters Pack @ 180 pts (Mark of the Wulfen; Wolf Standard; Meltagun; Meltagun)
1 Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (10#, 180 pts)
9 Grey Hunters Pack @ 180 pts (Mark of the Wulfen; Wolf Standard; Meltagun; Meltagun)
1 Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (10#, 180 pts)
9 Grey Hunters Pack @ 180 pts (Mark of the Wulfen; Wolf Standard; Meltagun; Meltagun)
1 Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (10#, 180 pts)
9 Grey Hunters Pack @ 180 pts (Mark of the Wulfen; Wolf Standard; Meltagun; Meltagun)
1 Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen

Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 140 pts)
5 Long Fangs Pack @ 140 pts (Missile Launcher x5)
1 Squad Leader (Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon)

Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 140 pts)
5 Long Fangs Pack @ 140 pts (Missile Launcher x5)
1 Squad Leader (Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon)

Total Roster Cost: 1495

Edit: This list was done using Army Builders new 'Tournament' output which only displays the upgrades you've paid for rather than telling you everything up to and including every models fucking birthday and distinguishing features. I for one, much prefer it.

1 Wolf Guard joins each of the Grey Hunters Squads to increase their Leadership and up the CC punch a little.

8 Kill Points, 68 Power Armoured Bodies.

Just for fun really.

At 1750 I may add this unit purely to up the body count ;-)

: Battle Sisters Squad (20#, 240 pts)
19 Battle Sisters Squad [WH] @ 240 pts (Meltagun x2)
1 Sister Superior [WH] (Bolt Pistol & CCW)

Or more realistically I'd add more Long Fangs and a 2nd Rune Priest.

Of all the possible Marine variants that could run a 'foot' list I think that Space Wolves seemed the most viable.

Opinions welcome.

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As I mentioned a few posts down I found an old project that I'd started a couple of years ago and then forgot about...

The idea was to build a more tank-like version of the Defiler that I could also use to 'Counts-As' pretty much any vehicle that had a turret, sponsons, a front mounted weapon or any combination thereof.
This would obviously involve magnets and luckily I happen to like using magnets so that wasn't a big problem.

The main gun is a Hellhammer cannon that I chopped off when I turned the aforementioned Hellhammer into a Baneblade. It's magnetised, as is the mount so I can swap it out if I ever need it to be something radically different from a battlecannon looking weapon.
The 2 sections on either side of the main body that have black plasticard in them will act as my sponsons. There's already a magnet behind them so I can interchange weapons mounted there as well. Firstly I'll build Autocannons for them so It's usable as a 'standard' Defiler and later I'll make some kind of Close Combat weapon (A circular saw or similar) to 'Count-As' Additional Dreadnought Close Combat weapons (my most used Defiler Wargear option).
Next stage will be to make a magnetised mount under the 'chin' so I can pop another weapon under there if required.

Progress so far...

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