UKGT - List Option 4 - Tyranids

I'm not convinced about Tyranids at low points values, but the advantage of this list is that it's pretty much built so all I'd need is painting time.

1500 Pts - Tyranids Roster - 1500

HQ: Hive Tyrant (1#, 255 pts)
1 Hive Tyrant @ 255 pts (Lash Whip & Bonesword; Old Adversary; Regeneration; Armoured Shell; Leech Essence; Paroxysm)

: Tyrant Guard Brood (2#, 130 pts)
2 Tyrant Guard Brood @ 130 pts (Lash Whip)

Elite: Hive Guard Brood (2#, 100 pts)
2 Hive Guard Brood @ 100 pts

Elite: Hive Guard Brood (2#, 100 pts)
2 Hive Guard Brood @ 100 pts

Elite: Hive Guard Brood (2#, 100 pts)
2 Hive Guard Brood @ 100 pts

Troops: Tervigon (1#, 195 pts)
1 Tervigon @ 195 pts (Cluster Spines; Adrenal Glands; Toxin Sacs; Catalyst)

Troops: Tervigon (1#, 195 pts)
1 Tervigon @ 195 pts (Cluster Spines; Adrenal Glands; Toxin Sacs; Catalyst)

Troops: Termagant Brood (10#, 50 pts)
10 Termagant Brood @ 50 pts

Troops: Termagant Brood (10#, 50 pts)
10 Termagant Brood @ 50 pts

Troops: Termagant Brood (12#, 60 pts)
12 Termagant Brood @ 60 pts

Heavy Support: Tyrannofex (1#, 265 pts)
1 Tyrannofex @ 265 pts (Rupture Cannon; Cluster Spines; Thorax Swarm (larvae))

Total Roster Cost: 1500
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Shooty (ish) Skaven

The locals seem to be playing at 3000 so that's what I wrote the list for.

Anything that isn't 'Clan Pestilens' will be converted/painted appropriately to give the army an overall 'plague' theme.

3000 Pts - Skaven Roster - Skaven List - 3000

Grey Seer (1#, 275 pts)
1 Grey Seer @ 275 pts (General; Hand Weapon)
1 Power Scroll

I'm going to convert a spare Plague Priest from the Furnace kit to be a Grey Seer who's speciality is Clan Pestilens and who may have been investigating them a little too thoroughly ;-)

Clanrats (40#, 200 pts)
39 Clanrats @ 200 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Shield)
1 Clawleader (Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Shield)

Clanrats (40#, 200 pts)
39 Clanrats @ 200 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Shield)
1 Clawleader (Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Shield)

Plague Monks must come from somewhere so these Clanrats will be painted in appropriate colours as Plague Monks in training.

Plague Priest (2#, 289 pts)
1 Plague Priest @ 289 pts (Level 2 Upgrade; Hand Weapon; Flail; Frenzy)
1 Plague Furnace (Frenzy; Large Target; Magic Resistance (2))

No need for justification here.

Plague Monks (50#, 375 pts)
49 Plague Monks @ 375 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Extra Attack; Frenzy)
1 Bringer-of-the-Word (Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Extra Attack; Frenzy)

Or here.

Stormvermin (12#, 150 pts)
10 Stormvermin @ 150 pts (Hand Weapon; Halberd; Heavy Armour; Shield)
2 Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (Warpfire Thrower; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour)

Stormvermin (12#, 150 pts)
10 Stormvermin @ 150 pts (Hand Weapon; Halberd; Heavy Armour; Shield)
2 Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (Warpfire Thrower; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour)

Stormvermin (12#, 150 pts)
10 Stormvermin @ 150 pts (Hand Weapon; Halberd; Heavy Armour; Shield)
2 Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (Warpfire Thrower; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour)

Stormvermin (12#, 150 pts)
10 Stormvermin @ 150 pts (Hand Weapon; Halberd; Heavy Armour; Shield)
2 Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (Warpfire Thrower; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour)

I'll alter these slightly so they're more plague looking and pretend they chuck out a pile of warpstone infused vomit instead of the 'normal' warpfire.

Stormvermin (12#, 145 pts)
10 Stormvermin @ 145 pts (Hand Weapon; Halberd; Heavy Armour; Shield)
2 Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team (Poisoned Wind Mortar; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour)

Stormvermin (12#, 145 pts)
10 Stormvermin @ 145 pts (Hand Weapon; Halberd; Heavy Armour; Shield)
2 Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team (Poisoned Wind Mortar; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour)

Stormvermin (12#, 145 pts)
10 Stormvermin @ 145 pts (Hand Weapon; Halberd; Heavy Armour; Shield)
2 Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team (Poisoned Wind Mortar; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour)

Stormvermin (12#, 145 pts)
10 Stormvermin @ 145 pts (Hand Weapon; Halberd; Heavy Armour; Shield)
2 Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team (Poisoned Wind Mortar; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour)

Poison gas = Diseased gas. Should be close enough to justify.

Clanrat Slaves (20#, 50 pts)
20 Skavenslaves @ 50 pts (Hand Weapon; Sling)

Clanrat Slaves (20#, 50 pts)
20 Skavenslaves @ 50 pts (Hand Weapon; Sling)

Everyone of note in Skaven society has Slaves right?

Plagueclaw Catapult (1#, 100 pts)
1 Plagueclaw Catapult @ 100 pts
1 Plague Monk Crew

Plagueclaw Catapult (1#, 100 pts)
1 Plagueclaw Catapult @ 100 pts
1 Plague Monk Crew

These are fine as is.

Warp-Lightning Cannon (1#, 90 pts)
1 Warp-Lightning Cannon @ 90 pts
1 Engineer & Crew

Warp-Lightning Cannon (1#, 90 pts)
1 Warp-Lightning Cannon @ 90 pts
1 Engineer & Crew

Not sure how to justify these. I may just give them Plague Monk crew and justify them that way.

Total Roster Cost: 2999

It seemed like a good idea when I was reading the rules for everything but I'm not sure how easy it will be to deploy that much stuff.

I still want to include other stuff but this will do for a start I think.

Any advice will be (as usual) gratefully received.

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Incoming Mail - Imperial Guard Help.

E-Mail In :

Hey man, looking through my guard army and how various units have performed in past outings i'm having some difficulty in bringing the list down to the god awful size known as 1500 :( ordinarily i'd leave things till last minute but if i'm going to a tournament where things have to be painted i guess i should get a settled army and then begin the painful process of painting it all.

Anyway Ideas of what to tweek, add or take away from the various ideas i'll post would be appreciated

List 1.
HQ : Company Command w/ Strachan, 1 bodyguard, medic 190pts Chimera w/ extra armour 70pts
Troops : Veterans, 2 melta guns 90pts Chimera w/ extra armour 70pts
Troops : Veterans, 2 melta guns 90pts Chimera w/ extra armour 70pts
Troops : Veterans, Harker, Autocannon/H Bolter 135pts
Fast : Vendetta Gunship 130pts
Fast : Vendetta Gunship 130pts
Heavy : Leman Russ Battle Tank w/lascannon 165pts
Heavy : Leman Russ Demolisher w/lascannon 180pts
Heavy : 2 Hydra's w/ extra armour 180pts
Total = 1500pts

the flip side would be a more infantry based force which is then backed up by tanks and thus able to go and do a bit of everything. I tried to write a list as such but failed in that respect so i thought i'd ask your opinion and help on just such a list and which one would be more likely to work as i can see problems inherent in both but is the part infantry part tank list more reliable/versatile than the mech list.
thanks in advance

Reply :

Lets have a look at the list a unit at a time then,

HQ: Company Command Squad (7#, 260 pts)
4 Company Command Squad @ 260 pts (Medi-pack; Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken; Bodyguard)
1 Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken
1 Bodyguard
1 Chimera (Extra Armor)

I'm not a massive fan of Straken but he does provide a useful counter-assault unit. So this seems fine apart from the Extra Armour which I think you can do without. Also if this unit is moving about you'll probably never use the 'default' Heavy Bolter on the Chimera so I'd swap it for a Heavy Flamer. If we have enough points spare we'll maybe 'beef' this unit up a bit with an extra bodyguard at the end.

Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 160 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 160 pts (Meltagun x2)
1 Veteran Sergeant
1 Chimera (Extra Armor)

If your going to make your Veteran Squad a 'Melta' unit you might as well give them the maximum 3. A Heavy Flamer is also a nice option as it gives the unit a dual role, however as we can give the Chimera a Heavy Flamer instead of It's Heavy Bolter I'd do that instead.

Troops: Veteran Squad (10#, 135 pts)
7 Veteran Squad @ 135 pts (Gunnery Sergeant Harker)
1 Veteran Heavy Weapon Team (Autocannon or Heavy Bolter)
1 Gunnery Sergeant Harker

Not sure what your thinking behind this unit is, If it's going in a Vendetta then the Upgrades are wasted, if it's infiltrating to get close to something then why has it got a Heavy Weapon Team which is obviously long range. With the points we've saved so far we can probably make this into a 3rd Veteran Squad in a Chimera, which is what I would do.

Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (1#, 130 pts)
1 Vendetta Gunship Squadron @ 130 pts
1 Vendetta

Nothing wrong with this choice at all.

Heavy Support: Leman Russ Squadron (1#, 165 pts)
1 Leman Russ Squadron @ 165 pts
1 Leman Russ Battle Tank (Lascannon)

Not sure about the Lascannon, other than that It's okay if you like the Leman Russ. I'd rather have a Medusa for it's high strength, low AP, fairly long range, large Blast or a pair of Hydras myself. Admittedly they're less survivable but 3 guesses where all your opponents Melta weapons will be heading...

Heavy Support: Leman Russ Squadron (1#, 180 pts)
1 Leman Russ Squadron @ 180 pts
1 Leman Russ Demolisher (Lascannon)

Same comment as above really with the addition that it's to short range if your going for shooty or too dangerous for your own units if your getting 'stuck-in'.

Heavy Support: Hydra Flak Tank Battery (2#, 180 pts)
1 Hydra Flak Tank Battery @ 180 pts
1 Hydra Flak Tank (Extra Armor)
1 Hydra Flak Tank (Extra Armor)

Nothing wrong with this choice either (other than the Extra Armour which we can do without). 8 twin-linked Strength 7 shots for 150 points is fucking awesome. You can leave the Heavy Bolters on these if you prefer as they'll hopefully be safe in a corner somewhere.

So lets keep the good stuff, tweak the okay stuff and see what points we have left...

1500 Pts - James 1500 IG list - tweaked (no russ's for now)

HQ: Company Command Squad (8#, 260 pts)
4 Company Command Squad @ 260 pts (Medi-pack; Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken; Bodyguard; Bodyguard)
1 Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken
1 Bodyguard
1 Bodyguard
1 Chimera (Heavy Flamer)

Just added a bodyguard for now but you might want to give them some weapons upgrades as well (Melta's, Heavy Flamer, etc.) as there will be spare points at the end ;-)

Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 155 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 155 pts (Meltagun x3)
1 Veteran Sergeant
1 Chimera (Heavy Flamer)

Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 155 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 155 pts (Meltagun x3)
1 Veteran Sergeant
1 Chimera (Heavy Flamer)

Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 155 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 155 pts (Meltagun x3)
1 Veteran Sergeant
1 Chimera (Heavy Flamer)

Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (1#, 130 pts)
1 Vendetta Gunship Squadron @ 130 pts
1 Vendetta

Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (1#, 130 pts)
1 Vendetta Gunship Squadron @ 130 pts
1 Vendetta

Heavy Support: Hydra Flak Tank Battery (2#, 150 pts)
1 Hydra Flak Tank Battery @ 150 pts
1 Hydra Flak Tank
1 Hydra Flak Tank

Total Roster Cost: 1135

So we have 355 points left to fill out those heavy support slots amongst other things.

Personally I like the idea of,

Heavy Support: Hydra Flak Tank Battery (2#, 150 pts)
1 Hydra Flak Tank Battery @ 150 pts
1 Hydra Flak Tank
1 Hydra Flak Tank

Yes I know you already have a unit of these but another 2 units would be even better. With 3 of these your as close as possible to guaranteeing the crippling of 3 light vehicles a turn or putting a serious dent in most infantry units. Even tyranid MC's will be worried ;-)

I'm also a fan of,

Heavy Support: Ordnance Battery (1#, 135 pts)
1 Ordnance Battery @ 135 pts
1 Medusa

36" Range, S10, AP2, Large Blast. Pops vehicles and kills infantry with equal efficiency . Not the most survivable of weapon platforms but it's dead easy to hide behind a Chimera which (as long as you position it correctly) will give you a cover save anyway.

As I'm not sure how your finances are i'll leave you to decide on what you wan't to take/can afford (6 Hydras aren't cheap by any stretch of the imagination but you can make passable Medusa's from the Basilisk kit).

Both of those options leave you with enough points left over to upgrade your command squad a bit more.

Of course if you've got your heart set on them you can have those Leman Russ's you put in originally though I'm not convinced that they're anywhere near the optimum choice.

There are so many viable IG lists it makes the Chaos player in me a little bit sad. Taking the units you like and the ones I do, stir in a little flavour and I'd probably give the following a go,

1500 Pts - 5th Edition Roster - James 1500 IG list - tweaked

HQ: Company Command Squad (7#, 220 pts)
4 Company Command Squad @ 220 pts (Flamer x1; Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken; Bodyguard)
1 Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken
1 Bodyguard
1 Chimera (Heavy Flamer)

Elite: Psyker Battle Squad (8#, 135 pts)
6 Psyker Battle Squad @ 135 pts
1 Overseer
1 Chimera (Heavy Flamer)

Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 155 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 155 pts (Meltagun x3)
1 Veteran Sergeant
1 Chimera (Heavy Flamer)

Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 155 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 155 pts (Meltagun x3)
1 Veteran Sergeant
1 Chimera (Heavy Flamer)

Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 155 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 155 pts (Meltagun x3)
1 Veteran Sergeant
1 Chimera (Heavy Flamer)

Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (1#, 130 pts)
1 Vendetta Gunship Squadron @ 130 pts
1 Vendetta

Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (1#, 130 pts)
1 Vendetta Gunship Squadron @ 130 pts
1 Vendetta

Heavy Support: Ordnance Battery (1#, 135 pts)
1 Ordnance Battery @ 135 pts
1 Medusa (Heavy Flamer)

Heavy Support: Ordnance Battery (1#, 135 pts)
1 Ordnance Battery @ 135 pts
1 Medusa (Heavy Flamer)

Heavy Support: Hydra Flak Tank Battery (2#, 150 pts)
1 Hydra Flak Tank Battery @ 150 pts
1 Hydra Flak Tank
1 Hydra Flak Tank

Total Roster Cost: 1500

Comments, advice or other helpful input will (as usual) be gratefully received.
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UKGT - List options 2+3

Sorry about the lack of content lately and my complete inability to actually post things I say I'm going to :-(

Hopefully I can redeem myself a little over the coming week ;-)

Just for the record I fucking Hate 1500 as a points value and therefore resent writing lists for it. Unfortunately till Jervis is assassinated it looks like we're stuck with it for the 'Throne of Skulls' and it seems like a good possibility we'll be stuck with a load of bollocks 'comp' scores thrown in just to fuck me off even more...

Oh, well never mind,

So, a couple more lists that are possible options for the Tournament in January.

Both are pretty obvious tactically, but if anybody requires further explanations feel free to ask in the 'comments' section.

1500 Pts - Jump Blood Angels for UKGT

HQ: Librarian (1#, 125 pts)
1 Librarian @ 125 pts ( Power Armour; Blood Lance; Fear of the Darkness)
1 Power Armour (Jump Pack)

: Honour Guard (5#, 220 pts)
1 Honour Guard @ 220 pts (Equip with Jump Packs; Honour Guard; Honour Guard)
1 Sanguinary Novitiate (Jump Pack)
3 Honour Guard (Jump Pack; Meltagun x1)
1 Honour Guard (Jump Pack; Power Fist x1)

Elite: Sanguinary Priest (2#, 180 pts)
1 Sanguinary Priest @ 180 pts (Sanguinary Priest in Power Armour)
2 Sanguinary Priest in Power Armour (Jump Pack; Lightning Claw)

Troops: Assault Squad (10#, 245 pts)
7 Assault Squad @ 245 pts (Meltagun; Meltagun)
1 Assault Marine with Meltagun
1 Assault Marine with Meltagun
1 Sergeant (Hand Flamer x1; Power Fist x1)

Troops: Assault Squad (10#, 245 pts)
7 Assault Squad @ 245 pts (Meltagun; Meltagun)
1 Assault Marine with Meltagun
1 Assault Marine with Meltagun
1 Sergeant (Hand Flamer x1; Power Fist x1)

Troops: Assault Squad (10#, 245 pts)
7 Assault Squad @ 245 pts (Meltagun; Meltagun)
1 Assault Marine with Meltagun
1 Assault Marine with Meltagun
1 Sergeant (Hand Flamer x1; Power Fist x1)

Fast Attack: Vanguard Veteran Squad (5#, 240 pts)
1 Vanguard Veteran Squad @ 240 pts (Equip with Jump Packs; Vanguard Veteran; Vanguard Veteran)
1 Sergeant (Jump Pack; Power Fist)
3 Vanguard Veteran (Jump Pack; Bolt Pistol; Lightning Claw x1)
1 Vanguard Veteran (Jump Pack; Melta Bombs; Bolt Pistol; Lightning Claw x1)

Total Roster Cost: 1500
1500 Pts - Space Marine Bikers for UKGT

HQ: Space Marine Captain (1#, 170 pts)
1 Space Marine Captain @ 170 pts ( Power Armour)
1 Power Armour (Melta Bombs; Space Marine Bike; Relic Blade x1)
1 Space Marine Bike

: Command Squad (5#, 380 pts)
1 Command Squad @ 380 pts (Space Marine Bike; Veteran; Veteran)
1 Apothecary (Unit on SM Bikes)
1 Veteran (Storm Shield; Unit on SM Bikes; Meltagun x1; Thunder Hammer x1)
3 Veteran (Storm Shield; Unit on SM Bikes; Lightning Claw x1; Meltagun x1)

Troops: Space Marine Bike Squad (5#, 185 pts)
3 Space Marine Bike Squad @ 185 pts (Meltagun x2; Attack Bike)
1 Attack Bike (Multi-Melta)
1 Sergeant

Troops: Space Marine Bike Squad (5#, 185 pts)
3 Space Marine Bike Squad @ 185 pts (Meltagun x2; Attack Bike)
1 Attack Bike (Multi-Melta)
1 Sergeant

Troops: Space Marine Bike Squad (5#, 185 pts)
3 Space Marine Bike Squad @ 185 pts (Meltagun x2; Attack Bike)
1 Attack Bike (Multi-Melta)
1 Sergeant

Troops: Space Marine Bike Squad (5#, 185 pts)
3 Space Marine Bike Squad @ 185 pts (Meltagun x2; Attack Bike)
1 Attack Bike (Multi-Melta)
1 Sergeant

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 70 pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron @ 70 pts (Multi-Melta x1; Heavy Flamer x1)

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 70 pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron @ 70 pts (Multi-Melta x1; Heavy Flamer x1)

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 70 pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron @ 70 pts (Multi-Melta x1; Heavy Flamer x1)

Total Roster Cost: 1500
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Dark Eldar News

I'll post some content that's actually mine tomorrow...honest ;-)

Games Workshop
The Games Workshop Newsletter26.09.2010
In this issue: Incoming: Dark Eldar

Incoming! Dark Eldar

Today at UK Games Day we announced the re-launch of the Dark Eldar and unveiled a wicked host of new Dark Eldar miniatures. Jes Goodwin, lead Dark Eldar designer, was there to answer questions about his latest creations and show off the cover art from the new Codex. As newsletter subscribers we felt that you should be the first to hear the news and catch a glimpse of Jes and his team's stunning work. Make sure you check out the 'What's New Today' section on every day next week, as we'll be showing more of the Dark Eldar, including some of Jes' concept sketches and early design work. The new Dark Eldar will be available to advance order from Tuesday 5th October. Brace yourself, gaming in the 41st Millennium is about to become a lot more frightening.

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Forge World Newsletter 249 + 250

For those of you who care about such things

Hi there,
We are now only a few days away from
Games Day UK, and the Forge World office is under a mound of packaging and bubble wrap, not to mention a massive stack of Reservation orders! This week’s Newsletter has two more exclusive Games Day pre-release kits for you, more details about the lavish displays that will be showcased on our Studio stand, and a reminder about our exclusive Seminars.

Ead Brown

Pre-Releases Available in Limited Numbers at Games Day UK:

Necron Tomb Stalker
Necron Tomb StalkerDesigned by Will Hayes, the Tomb Stalker is a previously unseen type of Necron construct. This intricately detailed full resin kit can be constructed in a huge variety of dynamic positions as you can see in these images, and is supplied with a sprue of plastic necron green rods with which to complete construction.

Armed with potent Gauss weaponry and razor-edged talons, the Tomb Stalker adds a devastating mix of firepower and combat ability to a Necron army, and Imperial Armour writer Alan Bligh has put together a set of experimental rules for this sleek and ancient instrument of destruction, that are available to download here.

Exclusively available as an advanced pre-release at Games Day UK, this technological terror is priced at £36 and will be available in limited quantities.

Grot Mega Tank
Grot Mega TankDesigned by Stuart Williamson, the Grot Mega Tank represents the pinnacle of Gretchin-built Heavy Tank technology; an overpowering war machine that drives all before it in a storm of scrap and destruction. This full resin kit is festooned with unique details as you can in the images, and Stuart has designed each turret to be fully cross-compatible withDaren Parrwood's Grot Tanks.

Hammered together out of junk, spare Mekboy know-wotz and unbridled Grot enthusiasm, the Grot Mega Tank adds even more firepower to the battlefield madness that has come to be known as a Grotzkrieg, terrifying Imperial Tacticians, Eldar Farseers and Chaos Warlords alike. Taking a brief break from his work on The Badab War Part II, Alan Bligh has created a set of experimental rules for the Grot Mega Tank that you can find here.

Exclusively available in limited numbers at Games Day UK, this devastating war machine is priced at £62.

'The Future of Forge World' Seminars at Games Day UK
Head of Forge World Tony Cottrell and Studio Manager Owen Branham will be hosting an exclusive seminar, ‘The Future of Forge World’, at Games Day UK, which will be held in the Westside Bar in the Arena area.

Tickets will be available for FREE on a one per person, first come, first served basis as soon as the NEC doors open. As the title suggests, the seminar will focus on future projects on the Forge World schedule, from Imperial Armour books to resin kits, and it will feature a Q&A session in which you can grill Tony and Owen to your heart’s content!

There will be two sessions on the day; Seminar One will be held from 12:00 until 12:45 and Seminar Two will run from 1:00 until 1:45. Each running of the seminar is strictly limited to 90 tickets, which will be available from Games Workshop Customer Service staff located at the entrance to the Westside Bar, near the entrance to Block 12 of the Arena. You can download a map of Games Day here. We also have a new catalogue supplement sheet which you can download here.

Design Studio Displays and Designer Showcases
In addition to sculpting and designing a fantastic array of resin vehicles and infantry, Forge World’s Studio team also produce some incredible, must-see terrain boards for use in the photography work featured in the Imperial Armour books.

This year, you can marvel at the full range of these boards, including the staggeringly vast Siege of Vraks ‘Sector 577-449’ display as featured in Imperial Armour Model Masterclass Volume I.

You can also see the Inquisitorially-classified Anphelion Base Complex built for Imperial Armour Volume 4, as well as the Imperial Armour Volume 8 Kastorel-Novem Ork Mek city that forms the Studio’s most recent display terrain project.

We can also announce that Simon Egan, the sculpting legend behind Lugft Huron, Sevrin Loth and the Khorne Daemon Prince and Herald, among many other detailed resin models, will be showing off his recent projects and will be happy to answer any and all questions about the delicate art of sculpting.

Games Day UK Reservations Now Closed
We can no longer guarantee to have a reservation order packed and ready for you at Games Day UK, but if you’ve already sent us a reservation you should have now received an e-mail confirmation.

Please e-mail or telephone us on 0115 916 8177 if you have any queries.

Games Day UK Tickets Still Available
If you haven’t yet bought your Games Day ticket, but still intend to come to the biggest and best Games Day of the year, you’ll be glad to know that tickets may still be available at your local Hobby Centre. To find out, give them a call and make sure you check if they have spaces on their coach to save you the hassle of getting to Birmingham.
Tickets will also be available on the door so don’t panic even if your local store has run out!

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Hi there,
It’s almost Games Day UK, and here at Forge World we have reached a milestone: our 250th Newsletter!
To celebrate, we have an exclusive announcement about a top-secret project that you can see for the very first time at Games Day UK...

Ead Brown

Warhammer Forge

Warhammer Forge Exclusively Unveiled at Games Day UK
Veteran games developer
Rick Priestley and Forge World sculptor Mark Bedford have spent the past few months masterminding a brand new project, a long-awaited foray into resin products and detailed expansions for Warhammer, The Game of Fantasy Battles.

Warhammer Forge unveil a veritable horde of work-in-progress resin kits as well as early layout copies of the first in a series of lavish expansion books for the very first time at Games Day UK.
You’ll be able to see the staggering range of resin models that have been created over the past year, and Mark Bedford and his intrepid in-house sculptors
Keith Robertson and Steve Whitehead will be available all day to answer any and all questions you have. These intricately detailed models are some of the finest yet produced in resin, adding an incredible depth and breadth to the existing Warhammer range.

Rick Priestley will be on hand to explain his future plans, and Book Production Manager Paul Rudge and Graphic Artist Sam Lamont will be displaying a dizzying array of their incredible work-in-progress example pages from the first Warhammer Forge book, and some phenomenal artwork from Games Workshop artistic stalwart Adrian Smith, as well as everything from single page vignettes to concept sketches and full-colour cover art.

The Warhammer Forge Studio team will be located right next to the Forge World Design Studio stand in the Arena – a map of Games Day can be found here.

You’ll be able to quiz the whole Warhammer Forge design team on the future of this exciting new range, and as an added bonus two of the resin kits on display will be available as advanced pre-releases from the Forge World Sales Stand in strictly limited quantities – details of exactly what these are will be unveiled at Games Day, so don’t miss the Warhammer Forge Studio Stand!

Games Day UK Tickets Still Available
If you haven’t yet bought your Games Day ticket, but still intend to come to the biggest and best Games Day of the year, you’ll be glad to know that tickets may still be available at your local Hobby Centre. To find out, give them a call and make sure you check if they have spaces on their coach to save you the hassle of getting to Birmingham.
Tickets will also be available on the door so don’t panic even if your local store has run out!

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They Don't Make Nostalgia Like They Used To...

I don't really miss God, but I sure miss Santa Claus...From the Song 'Gutless' by Hole.

In the dim and distant past I wandered into a GW store and was promptly ambushed by some guy in a t-shirt who managed to sell me something called a 'Codex' about Chaos and a vastly overpriced book with some rules in it.

First thing I did was look at the pictures.

Some stuff looked cool, other stuff looked shit. I liked the whole 'Renegade' concept so I bought some Space Marines and made them slightly spikier than normal Marines and gave them some Chaos markings.

So I plonked my army of 'Stuff I thought was cool' on the table for my first game and watched in mild interest as it all died.

"Not a problem" I thought. It'll get better the more I play...

However it wasn't quite that simple was it?

Certain units let me down consistently so they got dropped from the list. Other things did well so I bought a 2nd one and then in some cases a 3rd. Unnecessary 'Fluffy' upgrades were dropped in favour of more 'killy' upgrades. I converted models I liked so they could 'Count As' units that performed better. My armies became based around the concept we all know and love as 'Spam' and I started to win games and obviously found that winning was a much better feeling than losing...

As the inherent weaknesses in the Chaos Codex became more and more obvious, compounded quite severely by 5th ed. and comparisons to the new Marine Codex I 'jumped ship' and started using 'Vanilla' Marines and later Space Wolves and then Blood Angels when lists I wrote worked better with those books.

Optimisation became my 'Raison D'etre'. Units that had impressive looking models were overlooked in favour of more effective but...well...'duller' looking units, but it didn't matter because I was winning which was the point...

Or was it?

"Lets find a hobby that indulges my basic manly need to 'destroy','kill' and win" wasn't the point at the start. I'm not sure when that became what was fun, but apparently it did...

Back to the Present.
This weekend I popped into my FLGS and invited a few friends over for some games of Warhammer. Two of them were playing Fantasy so that's what we decided we'd do as I'd assembled quite a lot of Skaven. We agreed upon 2500 points and I needed to quickly write a list and see how much of my newly assembled models I could use.

As it turned out you get quite a lot of Skaven for 2500 points and I'd used up all of mine at about 1800...
So I made the Plague Monk unit a bit bigger, called some Clanrat Spearmen - Stormvermin, stuck a base on a Lord Skrolk model I still had in the 'Blister' and ended up with this list,

2500 Pts - Skaven Roster - What I had built Skaven - 2500

Lord Skrolk (1#, 470 pts)
1 Lord Skrolk @ 470 pts (General; Hand Weapon; Causes Terror; Frenzy)
1 Rod of Corruption
1 The Liber Bubonicus

Plague Priest (1#, 139 pts)
1 Plague Priest @ 139 pts (Level 2 Upgrade; Hand Weapon; Flail; Frenzy)

Plague Priest (2#, 289 pts)
1 Plague Priest @ 289 pts (Level 2 Upgrade; Hand Weapon; Flail; Frenzy)
1 Plague Furnace (Frenzy; Large Target; Magic Resistance (2))

Plague Monks (50#, 375 pts)
49 Plague Monks @ 375 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Extra Attack; Frenzy)
1 Bringer-of-the-Word (Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Extra Attack; Frenzy)

Rat Ogres (6#, 176 pts)
4 Rat Ogres @ 176 pts (Causes Fear; Frenzy)
2 Packmaster (Hand Weapon; Whip; Light Armour)

Clanrats (40#, 180 pts)
39 Clanrats @ 180 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Light Armour)
1 Clawleader (Hand Weapon; Light Armour)

Clanrats (40#, 180 pts)
39 Clanrats @ 180 pts (Musician Mus; Standard Bearer Std; Hand Weapon; Light Armour)
1 Clawleader (Hand Weapon; Light Armour)

Stormvermin (12#, 150 pts)
10 Stormvermin @ 150 pts (Hand Weapon; Halberd; Heavy Armour; Shield)
2 Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (Warpfire Thrower; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour)

Stormvermin (12#, 150 pts)
10 Stormvermin @ 150 pts (Hand Weapon; Halberd; Heavy Armour; Shield)
2 Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (Warpfire Thrower; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour)

Stormvermin (12#, 145 pts)
10 Stormvermin @ 145 pts (Hand Weapon; Halberd; Heavy Armour; Shield)
2 Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team (Poisoned Wind Mortar; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour)

Stormvermin (12#, 145 pts)
10 Stormvermin @ 145 pts (Hand Weapon; Halberd; Heavy Armour; Shield)
2 Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team (Poisoned Wind Mortar; Hand Weapon; Heavy Armour)

Clanrat Slaves (40#, 80 pts)
40 Skavenslaves @ 80 pts (Hand Weapon)

Total Roster Cost: 2479

The best Skaven army ever?

Obviously not, lol.

By 40K standards it would probably be classed as a 'Battle-force' army. Certain units did fuck-all others performed better than I could have hoped. The Skavenslaves sucked exactly the amount I expected them to...

But the funny thing was, I didn't win a single game but I still had fun. That original feeling of using stuff that looked cool, or that I just wanted to try out became the part that I enjoyed.

Of course the sad part is that feeling won't last...

Units will get dropped in favour of ones that perform better, I'll start looking for rules loopholes I can exploit and rules combinations of doom that GW's play-testers missed and I'll annoy the fuck out of everyone with them until they're FAQ'd (or not in most cases), I'll start reading a units stats before I see what the models like, etc.

Maybe that will make me happier and maybe it won't...Until that happens though, I'll try and enjoy the feeling of enjoyment without necessarily having to win for as long as it lasts.....
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Island of Blood.

As I've mentioned previously, I bought an 'island of Blood' box and traded out the girly elves for some scheming Skaven.

Now I've gotten around to assembling them this has given me,

2 Warlords,
2 Engineers,
34 Clanrats with Spear and Shield,
34 Clanrats with Hand Weapon and Shield,
4 Clanrat Champions,
4 Clanrat Musicians,
4 Clanrat Standard Bearers,
2 Warpfire Thrower Weapon Teams,
2 Poisoned wind Mortar Weapon Teams,
4 Rat Ogres,
and 2 Packmasters.

Once I've done the same with another box later this month that should give me quite a few options to work with.

It's also made me realise that the best way to avoid hobby boredom is to have about 10 projects on the go rather than concentrating on just the one...
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UKGT - List Option 1

So I'v narrowed my options down a little for the list I'll take to the UKGT but I thought I'd get some 2nd opinions first ;-)

1500 Pts - Space Marines Roster

HQ: Space Marine Librarian (1#, 140 pts)
1 Space Marine Librarian @ 140 pts ( Terminator Armour; Null Zone; The Gate of Infinity)
1 Terminator Armour (Storm Shield)

Elite: Terminator Assault Squad (10#, 400 pts)
9 Terminator Assault Squad @ 400 pts (Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield x9)
1 Sergeant (Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield x1)

Troops: Tactical Squad (6#, 165 pts)
4 Tactical Squad @ 165 pts (Razorback)
1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Bolter)
1 Razorback (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)

Troops: Tactical Squad (6#, 165 pts)
4 Tactical Squad @ 165 pts (Razorback)
1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Bolter)
1 Razorback (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)

Troops: Tactical Squad (6#, 165 pts)
4 Tactical Squad @ 165 pts (Razorback)
1 Sergeant (Bolt Pistol; Bolter)
1 Razorback (Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Lascannon and TL Plasmagun)

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 70 pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron @ 70 pts (Multi-Melta x1; Heavy Flamer x1)

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 70 pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron @ 70 pts (Multi-Melta x1; Heavy Flamer x1)

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 70 pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron @ 70 pts (Multi-Melta x1; Heavy Flamer x1)

Heavy Support: Predator (1#, 85 pts)
1 Predator @ 85 pts (Heavy Bolter (each side))

Heavy Support: Predator (1#, 85 pts)
1 Predator @ 85 pts (Heavy Bolter (each side))

Heavy Support: Predator (1#, 85 pts)
1 Predator @ 85 pts (Heavy Bolter (each side))

Total Roster Cost: 1500

A decent spread of anti-tank and anti-infantry with a bastard hard 'rock' unit that can teleport about if it feels like.

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