E-Mail In:
Was just e-mailing about 2 things, one is that following your razorwolves army list at 750points it works really very well. on average out of the 20 space wolves on the board i was losing 6 in total, and the damage output compared to damage taken ratio was staggering. The rune priest was responsible for the deaths of a mawloc, 2 space marine captains, Belial master of the ravenwing and a tactical squad. a truely epic figure for 110points.
anyway the other thing i was e-mailing about is that i now have 20 space wolf terminators and was wondering is there really any viable way to construct a logan wing army or is it very much something not worth thinking of as it just strikes me as a cool looking thing to have.
thanks in advance
p.s this is James from Workshop thought i'd of put that in by now
Reply :
Loganwing is really an army for higher points levels due to the high initial cost of Logan himself. however if I was going to do the army with Terminators then he's pretty much essential to make them troops.
First things first, we obviously need Logan
HQ: Logan Grimnar, The Great Wolf (1#, 275 pts)
1 Logan Grimnar, The Great Wolf @ 275 pts
Fairly handy in a fight himself and also provides us with Wolf Guard troops which in this case will be our Terminators.
As I'm not sure what your Terminators are armed with I'll work with what I'd use and we can tweak it from there.
First you need to take at least 5 man squads so we can take a Cyclone Missile Launcher in each unit. 2x S8, AP3 Missiles is to good to pass up. Also my experiences with Chaos Terminators as shown me that at least one Chainfist is essential kit and a few Combi-Meltas would be useful as well.
We'll see if we can do without the Combi-Meltas for now though,
Troops: Wolf Guard Pack (5#, 210 pts)
1 Wolf Guard Pack @ 210 pts (Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour; Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour; Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour)
3 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour
1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Cyclone Missile Launcher)
1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Chain Fist)
We'll have 4 of those so that's another 840 points spent and your 20 Terminators used up ;-)
As Space Wolf Terminators cannot Deep Strike most people give them Drop Pods...However with the advent of running in 5th Ed. and the resilience of the unit we can probably walk and get away with it (this also has the added benefit of saving us having an extra 4 kill points).
As this list is evolving into a 'foot' list pretty much we need some psychic defence as well. This requires a Rune Priest who will obviously be walking and could do with a shooty power of some description. If we give him Terminator armour that makes him 'Relentless' so he can walk with a squad of Terminators and still 'shoot'.
Editors Note : This also makes him less vulnerable to being 'torrented' out of the Terminator unit due to the units small size and his (normally) lower armour save.
HQ: Rune Priest in Terminator Armour (1#, 120 pts)
1 Rune Priest in Terminator Armour @ 120 pts (Living Lightning; Tempest's Wrath)
Making a running total of 1235 points.
It's a fairly resilient (if somewhat low in models) Elite list so what to do next?
Long Fangs are cheap and effective so we could add a few units of those or stick with the theme and add more Terminators. We also still have 2 Troop slots available that we could stick some Grey Hunters in to up the body count a little.
As our Elite slots are now free due to the Wolf Guard terminators being troops we could add in some Lone Wolves.
I like Lone Wolves,
Elite: Lone Wolf in Terminator Armour (1#, 85 pts)
1 Lone Wolf in Terminator Armour @ 85 pts (Storm Shield; Chain Fist)
3 of those sets us back 255 points but they're probably worth it. that would however leave us only 10 points short of 1500 points. As no points value was specified and I already pre-warned James that a Loganwing didn't work at low points we'll carry on to 1750 (at least).
We also could do with some Melta. So we can either add in Combi-Meltas or we find some Melta elsewhere.
We could also do with some anti-infantry...but the Cyclone Missile Launchers can use Frag if necessary so we're not entirely lacking in that area.
Screw it we'll just have some Long Fangs and more Terminators ;-)
2000 Pts - Space Wolves Roster
HQ: Logan Grimnar, The Great Wolf (1#, 275 pts)
1 Logan Grimnar, The Great Wolf @ 275 pts
HQ: Rune Priest in Terminator Armour (1#, 120 pts)
1 Rune Priest in Terminator Armour @ 120 pts (Living Lightning; Tempest's Wrath)
Elite: Lone Wolf in Terminator Armour (1#, 85 pts)
1 Lone Wolf in Terminator Armour @ 85 pts (Storm Shield; Chain Fist)
Elite: Lone Wolf in Terminator Armour (1#, 85 pts)
1 Lone Wolf in Terminator Armour @ 85 pts (Storm Shield; Chain Fist)
Elite: Lone Wolf in Terminator Armour (1#, 85 pts)
1 Lone Wolf in Terminator Armour @ 85 pts (Storm Shield; Chain Fist)
Troops: Wolf Guard Pack (5#, 210 pts)
1 Wolf Guard Pack @ 210 pts (Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour; Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour; Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour)
1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour
1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Cyclone Missile Launcher)
3 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Chain Fist)
Troops: Wolf Guard Pack (5#, 210 pts)
1 Wolf Guard Pack @ 210 pts (Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour; Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour; Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour)
3 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour
1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Cyclone Missile Launcher)
1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Chain Fist)
Troops: Wolf Guard Pack (5#, 210 pts)
1 Wolf Guard Pack @ 210 pts (Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour; Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour; Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour)
3 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour
1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Cyclone Missile Launcher)
1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Chain Fist)
Troops: Wolf Guard Pack (5#, 220 pts)
1 Wolf Guard Pack @ 220 pts (Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour; Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour; Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour; Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour)
2 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Combi-Meltagun)
1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour
1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Cyclone Missile Launcher)
1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Chain Fist)
Troops: Wolf Guard Pack (5#, 220 pts)
1 Wolf Guard Pack @ 220 pts (Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour; Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour; Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour; Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour)
2 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Combi-Meltagun)
1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour
1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Cyclone Missile Launcher)
1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Chain Fist)
Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 140 pts)
5 Long Fangs Pack @ 140 pts (Missile Launcher x5)
1 Squad Leader (Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon)
Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 140 pts)
5 Long Fangs Pack @ 140 pts (Missile Launcher x5)
1 Squad Leader (Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon)
Total Roster Cost: 2000
20 Krak Missiles a turn that can target 9 different units, lots of 2+/5+ bodies, Lone Wolves that can chew up anything with an armour value that's foolish enough to not move away really fast and a few Melta-weapons for emergencies.
If you only have 20 terminators you can drop a squad from the above list and replace them with 3 Multi-Melta/Heavy Flamer Landspeeders as they compliment the army quite well and are the same points cost (210)...In fact that might be a better idea actually...
If you don't like my version you can always read this debate on YTTH that offers several very good alternatives (and a few less good ones).
The floor (as usual) is now open for opposing viewpoints.
You have read this article Army Lists /
Space Wolves
with the title Incoming Mail - Loganwing. You can bookmark this page URL https://llourenzzo-putta.blogspot.com/2010/09/incoming-mail-loganwing.html. Thanks!