Hi There, This week’s Newsletter brings you a fresh wave of Space Marine kits to pre-order, along with two more A4 Transfer Sheets packed with vehicle and infantry decals and a reminder of our Christmas shipping deadlines and opening times. Thanks, Ead Brown
Land Raider Achilles Available to Pre-Order Now
The first of our new wave of Space Marine releases is the devastatingly powerful Land Raider Achilles. This resin and plastic hybrid kit, designed by Stuart Williamson, boasts sponson-mounted twin Multi-Meltas and a hull-mounted Thunderfire Cannon. A line-breaker beyond compare, the Land Raider Achilles’ firepower is capable of forcing a breach in even the strongest defences at the tip of an armoured assault. Originating in the closing years of the Great Crusade, the Achilles is perhaps the rarest and most venerable Land Raider variant still used on the battlefields of the 41st Millenium. It was originally created by the Imperial Fists Legion in response to a dire xenos threat now lost to the mists of history, and fittingly rare outside the noble Imperial Fists, their successors and the Ordo Reductor of the Adeptus Mechanus. The Achilles is perhaps most vaunted for its legendary durability - each stage of the hull’s construction incorporates layer upon layer of ancient electromagnetic algorithms and ferromantic incantations. This arcane lore is etched into the very structure of the Land Raider Achilles at a molecular level, and is one the most secret and ancient rites of the Cult Mechanicus. The Land Raider Achilles is a complete resin and plastic kit, and is available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing December 6th, and is included in the Space Marine Siege Assault Vanguard army list in the forthcoming Imperial Armour Volume 10: The Badab War Part II. As an exclusive extra, we have prised the rules for the Achilles from Alan Bligh’s grasp and they are available to download for free here. Forge World MkIV Ironclad Dreadnought and Arms Available to Pre-Order Now
The latest addition to our range of MkIV Dreadnoughts is the siege specialist MkIV Ironclad Dreadnought, MkIV Hurricane Bolter, MkIV Seismic Hammer and MkIV Chainfist. These full resin kits, designed by Phil Stutcinskas, afford Space Marine players the complete range of Codex options for the Ironclad Dreadnought. Heavily augmented and outfitted for siege assault and ship boarding actions, the Ironclad Dreadnought sacrifices versatility and long-range firepower for even greater armoured defence and dedicated siege weaponry such as the Seismic Hammer and Chainfist, designed to pulverise the toughest bastion or armoured bulkhead into twisted wreckage. The fearsome short-ranged firepower of a Hurricane Bolter is often used to augment the Ironclad’s firepower, allowing the ancient hero within the sarcophagus to saturate breached defences with a deadly storm of bolter shells. The MkIV Ironclad Dreadnought is a full resin kit that comes complete with Hunter Killer Missiles and Frag Assault Launchers, furthering the Ironclad’s potent weaponry, as well as additional armour plates to fit the resin MkIV Hurricane Bolter, MkIV Seismic Hammer and MkIV Chainfist and our other MkIV Dreadnought arms. Each of these detailed kits is available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing December 6th. Each sheet is crammed with a huge array of squad badges suitable for shoulder pads, jump packs and vehicles. There are also unit designations and unique details such as Dark Angel maxims and names, along with standard and variant vehicle designations for all types of Space Marine squad insignia. Each of the new transfer sheets is also available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing December 6th. Forge World Winter Catalogue Supplement Sheet Now Available You can now download a free PDF of our most recent supplement sheet from the Forge World website. It includes the Eldar Hornet, which is available to pre-order now for despatch from the 29th of November, along with all of our most recent releases such as the Necron Tomb Stalker and Space Marine Armour Sets. If you’d like to receive a free copy of our 2010 catalogue to assist you when compiling your Christmas shopping list, e-mail forgeworldcatreq@games-workshop.co.uk making sure you include your full name and postal address. Forge World Christmas Shipping With November upon us, we have news of our final shipping deadlines for Christmas. These dates are subject to change, and we will keep you informed of any changes both in future newsletters and at www.forgeworld.co.uk. As always, it’s best to order as early as possible to ensure that you’ll get exactly what you want and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us using the details below. Our last guaranteed shipping date for Standard Delivery outside the UK will be December 6th. Our last guaranteed shipping date for Express Delivery outside the UK will be December 15th. For our customers inside the UK, the last guaranteed shipping date for Standard Delivery will be December 15th and the last guaranteed shipping date for Express Delivery will be December 20th. If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of your Forge World Christmas Shopping then please contact us either by e-mail at forgeworldorderenquiries@games-workshop.co.uk or by telephone on 0115 916 8177 within the UK, 011 44 115 916 8177 from the US and Canada or 00 44 115 916 8177 from much of Europe. Forge World’s Customer Service team is available 6 days a week all the way up to Christmas, so don’t hesitate to contact us to check stock availability and shipping times. We are also a font of knowledge and advice if you aren’t sure about what would make the perfect Forge World gift. Forge World Wishlists Now Available Online On the subject of Christmas shopping, there’s nothing worse than secretly hoping for a Reaver Titan, finding a massive parcel under your tree, eagerly ripping it open and finding a lovely ‘novelty’ jumper and a pair of socks… It doesn't get much worse than that, but thankfully it couldn't be easier to make sure that it doesn't happen to you. If you’ve created an account on www.forgeworld.co.uk then you have the ability to create a Wishlist. Just login to Your Account and you’ll see an option to View Wishlists – simply browse through our online store and click the ‘add to wishlist’ button on each item’s page. Once you’ve found all the gifts you’re after, just e-mail it to all of your friends and family and wait for Christmas morning. |