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| Hi there, As the dust settles from Games Day France, this week’s newsletter brings you two more exciting releases for Empire and Chaos players: the notorious Captain Van Der Kraal and the Manann’s Blades Command group, and the brutal Chaos Siege Giant. We also have an update to our Events pages regarding Games Day Chicago 2011. Captain Van Der Kraal and Manann’s Blades Command Group Pirate, mercenary, smuggler, gallows thief, Captain Edvard Van Der Kraal has been many things in his life, almost all of them disreputable. He has cheated Morr a great many times over the years, fighting against the dark-mist kindred of the Cursed Marshes and emerging victorious; raiding Norsca with fire and sword; even surviving being shipwrecked on the infamous Vampire Coast of Lustria and returning to tell the tale. Despite his ruthlessness, he is a man of his word which makes him rare indeed and much sought after as a mercenary.
The Manann’s Blades Command, designed by Steve Whitehead, comprises three complete miniatures: Captain Van Der Kraal himself along with a Standard Bearer and Musician, and is available to order now for immediate despatch. Full rules for this nefarious soldier of fortune and his ruthless followers will feature in the forthcoming Warhammer Forge book Tamurkhan: The Throne of Chaos. Chaos Siege Giant The Sorcerer-Smiths of the Chaos Dwarfs have long been aware of the battlefield potential of a captured Giant, and have been unable to resist the urge to ‘improve’ on the creature’s natural strengths. The most common result of this is the Siege Giant, a mutilated, half-insane creature made proof against attack by layer upon layer of iron and bronze plates nailed deep into the creature’s flesh and even directly to its massive skeleton. Weapons such as immense hooked blades are spliced directly onto the Giant’s truncated arms to enable it to scale or tear down fortifications and slaughter the largest monsters. The beast is also fitted with scaling hooks and chains, enabling its dead carcass to be used as a scaling platform should it fall.
The Chaos Siege Giant, designed by Keith Robertson, is a complete resin and plastic kit that makes a barbaric centrepiece to any Warriors of Chaos army. It is available to order now for immediate despatch, and experimental rules for this terrifying behemoth are available to download now, taken from the forthcoming Warhammer Forge book Tamurkhan: The Throne of Chaos. Warhammer Forge at Forge World Events Games Day Chicago – 24th July 2011Forge World will soon be returning to the U.S. for Games Day Chicago 2011, held at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Centre. Forge World model designers Will Hayes and Mark Bedford will be accompanying our intrepid sales team and a huge selection of the Forge World and Warhammer Forge range, including all our recent releases and the hugely popular Show Only MkIII Armoured Boarding Marine and Chaos Dwarf Hellsmith. We are now accepting reservation orders for Games Day Chicago, and this is the best way of ensuring that we will have exactly the models you’re looking for, packed up and waiting for you to pay for on the day. To place a reservation order, please send an e-mail entitled ‘Games Day Chicago Reservation’ to fwreservations@games-workshop.co.uk, making sure to provide your full name and a list of the items you’d like to reserve. You can also phone the Forge World Customer Service team on 011 44 115 916 8177. Thanks, Ead Brown Forge World Customer Service Manager | |
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