Hi there, In this week’s newsletter we are excited to announce four great new products: an addition to our Dark Eldar range in the form of the terrifying Reaper, a Space Marine Heavy Weapons set, and two decal sheets for the Eldar and the Astral Claws. Dark Eldar Reaper Akin to the Ravager, the Reaper is a swift and deadly gunship. Its sleek, dart-like hull is built around a single, monstrously-powerful weapon codified by the Xenosavants of the Adeptus Biologis as a Storm Vortex projector. This cannon operates much like the smaller Haywire blaster, and unleashes a cascading pulse of electromagnetic energy that is far more powerful than anything possible in a hand weapon. The vortex chamber at the Reaper’s heart is a cage for howling energies harvested from the spires of Commorragh itself, which when combined with its speed and manoeuvrability makes the Reaper an elegant but still devastatingly lethal weapon when compared to the brutal armoured warfare practiced by lesser races. The Dark Eldar Reaper is a complete resin and plastic kit which contains a plastic Dark Eldar Raider kit and a set of detailed resin conversion parts, designed byStuart Williamson, which allow the reaper variant to be added to any Dark Eldar army.Experimental rules for this sleek and powerful craft are available now to download from the Forge World website, and the Dark Eldar Reaper is available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing 27th June. Space Marine Heavy Weapons Set The noble Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes are supplied with weapons and armour by ancient alliance with the Adeptus Mechanicus. Some of the less common patterns of heavy weapons created by these techno-magi date from the hallowed and ancient days of the Great Crusade and the Astartes Legions of old. These shoulder-mounted patterns afford greater protection to the wielder as they allow less of the firer to be exposed to incoming enemy fire as they unleash their destructive salvo. This Space Marine Heavy Weapons Set, designed by Phil Stutcinskas, contains four resin heavy weapons: a Plasma Cannon, Multi-Melta, Heavy Bolter and a Lascannon, as well as supporting and counter-balancing arms, and backpacks that can be used with the full range of both Citadel and Forge World Space Marine kits. This detailed resin upgrade set is available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing 27th June. New Astral Claws and Eldar Decal Sheets Our final releases for this week’s newsletter are two new additions to our range of A4 Decal sheets, designed by Kenton Mills and Paul Rudge. The Eldar Decal Sheet is packed with over 1,000 individual decals that are suitable for use on both vehicles and infantry. Craftworld, Path and Aspect runes are all included as well as unique runes for the doomed Craftworld of Mymeara and the Corsair bands of the Sky Reavers, Sunblitz Brotherhood and the notorious Void Dragons. The eagerly-anticipated Astral Claws Decal Sheet contains over 500 Chapter badges, Tyrant’s Claw symbols, blazons and the Maelstrom Warders heraldry suitable for use on both vehicles and infantry. The sheet also contains Chapter badges for the ill-fated Tiger Claws Chapter and is packed with the Astral Claws ‘true’ lion-headed Chapter device as well as the heraldry of Lugft Huron that became synonymous with the notorious Badab War campaign. Both of these decal sheets are available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing 27th June. Badab War Campaign Weekend – 25th - 26th June 2011Warhammer World’s Events team are re-fighting the infamous Badab War campaign over the weekend of 25th - 26th June, and with the event rapidly approaching there are only a very small number of Secessionist tickets remaining. The complete rules for army selection can be downloaded now as part of the event pack. Head over to www.games-workshop.com and you will find it in the Badab War event pages in the Warhammer World section of the website.
As mentioned in our last newsletter, Imperial Armour writer Alan Bligh will be hosting a Q&A session on Saturday evening, and the Forge World stand in the main hall will have a selection of our previous Show Only models on sale in limited numbers, along with this year’s MkIII Armoured Boarding Space Marine and Chaos Dwarf Hellsmith. For more details about the campaign weekend, please contact Games Workshop Customer Service on 0115 91 40 000, the Events Team on 0115 900 4175 or e-mail whworldevents@games-workshop.co.uk. Games Day Spain – 3rd July 2011Forge World will be attending Games Day Spain 2011, held at the Pabellon de Convenciones at Casa del Campo in Madrid. Our sales team will be bringing a wide selection of the Warhammer Forge and Forge World range, including both of our Show Only models for 2011: the Chaos Dwarf Hellsmith and MkIII Armoured Boarding Space Marine. We are now accepting reservation orders for Games Day Spain, and this is the best way of ensuring that we will have exactly the models you’re looking for, packed up and waiting for you to pay for on the day. To place a reservation order, please send an e-mail entitled ‘Games Day Spain Reservation’ to fwreservations@games-workshop.co.uk, making sure you provide your full name and a list of the items you’d like to reserve. We must receive your reservation order by 20th June to ensure we’re able to process and ship them in time for the event. You can also phone your reservation order in to the Forge World Customer Service team on 00 44 115 916 8177 (from much of Europe). Thanks, Ead Brown Customer Service Manager Forge World |