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Hey Garreth,
Attached is an excel document that has a few army lists on it, but the 1750 marked 'needs more work' is the base im working off, and what I used against Mike's Blood Angels (and that he duly thrashed).
Any comments would be welcome :)
In addition to the models on that army list i can swap any Leman Russ turret for A demolisher or exterminator autocannon turret. Also, i have another lascannon team, 6 HB teams and 8ML teams (which have no bases) , two guardsmen with flamers, a sniper, four ratlings, and a unit of Kasrkin with a melta and plasma (seargent with bolt pistol).
I might spend a little money too, so any suggestions on what I could add wouldn't go amiss :)
Cheers dude,
Reply :
Okay I converted your army list into an Army Builder format and found a few problems. Firstly you got a few of the points values wrong and secondly the Imperial Armour Vulture is (as far as I'm aware) Heavy Support not Fast Attack so your army is illegal even in tournaments that allow Forge World stuff.
We ended up with this. Rather than pick it apart at the end we'll analyse it as we go along.
1750 Pts - Imperial Guard Roster.
HQ: Company Command Squad (5#, 117 pts)
4 Company Command Squad @ 117 pts (Camo Cloak; Krak Grenades; Vox Caster; Meltagun x2)
1 Company Commander (Camo Cloak; Krak Grenades; Bolter; Power Fist)
Your Command Squad appears undecided about whether it wants to hide in the back or move forward and assault. If it wants to use those Meltaguns it's going to need transport and if you want an 'assault' unit there are better ways of doing it.
Troops: Veteran Squad (10#, 95 pts)
7 Veteran Squad @ 95 pts (Vox Caster)
1 Veteran Heavy Weapon Team (Lascannon)
1 Veteran Sergeant
Troops: Veteran Squad (10#, 95 pts)
7 Veteran Squad @ 95 pts (Vox Caster)
1 Veteran Heavy Weapon Team (Lascannon)
1 Veteran Sergeant
These aren't bad in of themselves but it's possible to get more Lascannons for a similar points value using a standard Infantry Platoon. Once you use the 'Bring it Down' order from your Company Command Squad then twin-linked BS 3 is actually better than BS 4.
Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 195 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 195 pts (Vox Caster; Meltagun x3)
1 Veteran Sergeant
1 Chimera (Turret Heavy Bolter; Dozer Blade; Extra Armor; Pintle Heavy Stubber)
Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 195 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 195 pts (Vox Caster; Meltagun x3)
1 Veteran Sergeant
1 Chimera (Turret Heavy Bolter; Dozer Blade; Extra Armor; Pintle Heavy Stubber)
For what they're doing (which I presume is drive forward and Melta something in the face) they don't need Vox's. Your Chimera's have a lot of unnecessary upgrades as well.
Fast Attack: Hellhound Squadron (1#, 145 pts)
1 Hellhound Squadron @ 145 pts
1 Hellhound (Extra Armor)
Hellhounds are fine but this one doesn't really need Extra Armour. Guard vehicles either blow up or don't, there's very little middle ground.
Heavy Support: Vulture (1#, 195 pts)
1 Vulture @ 195 pts (Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Fast); Extra Armor; Searchlight; Armoured Cockpit; Chaff/Flare Launcher; Distincitve Paint Scheme; Heavy Bolter; Multiple Rocket Pod (x2); Multiple Rocket Pod (x2); Deep Strike)
With the points we've saved so far we can probably swap this for a couple of standard Valkyries or Vendettas which will be more useful generally and also be 'legal' in more tournaments. Personally I don't mind the odd Forge World/Imperial Armour unit in a 'pick-up' game but they can sometimes be poorly regarded by others due to the fact that Imperial Armour units aren't usually terribly well balanced...
Heavy Support: Leman Russ Squadron (1#, 255 pts)
1 Leman Russ Squadron @ 255 pts
1 Leman Russ Executioner (Lascannon; Plasma Cannon Sponsons x2; Dozer Blade)
These are awesome at destroying even the heaviest of Infantry but are bloody expensive.
Heavy Support: Leman Russ Squadron (1#, 230 pts)
1 Leman Russ Squadron @ 230 pts
1 Leman Russ Demolisher (Lascannon; Plasma Cannon Sponsons x2; Dozer Blade)
For what this will be doing you might as well go expensive (another Executioner) or cheap (a standard Leman Russ).
Heavy Support: Leman Russ Squadron (1#, 150 pts)
1 Leman Russ Squadron @ 150 pts
1 Leman Russ Battle Tank
These are fine for the points cost.
Total Roster Cost: 1672
Rather than turn your army list into a carbon copy of the usual 'net-lists' I'll just optimise what you've got and see what we end up with.
1750 Pts - Imperial Guard Roster - (Semi) Optimised.
HQ: Company Command Squad (5#, 55 pts)
4 Company Command Squad @ 55 pts (Vox Caster)
1 Company Commander
These guys now have a role. Which is sit in cover and make the Infantry Platoons Lascannons twin-linked.
Troops: Infantry Platoon (25#, 175 pts)
1 Infantry Platoon @ 175 pts
4 Platoon Command Squad
1 Platoon Commander
7 Infantry Squad (Vox Caster)
1 Heavy Weapons Team (Lascannon)
1 Sergeant
7 Infantry Squad
1 Heavy Weapons Team (Lascannon)
1 Sergeant
With the potential of 'Twin-linking' from the CCS this unit does the same as the 2 Veteran units from your original list but cheaper. I usually join mine into a single squad with the 2 Lascannons but if you wish to keep them separate then it's worth giving the 2nd unit a Vox.
Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 155 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 155 pts (Meltagun x3)
1 Veteran Sergeant
1 Chimera (Heavy Flamer)
Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 155 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 155 pts (Meltagun x3)
1 Veteran Sergeant
1 Chimera (Heavy Flamer)
Troops: Veteran Squad (11#, 155 pts)
9 Veteran Squad @ 155 pts (Meltagun x3)
1 Veteran Sergeant
1 Chimera (Heavy Flamer)
With the points we saved by removing pointless upgrades we can now have 3 Melta Vet squads rather than the 2. I've also put Heavy Flamers on all the vehicles that can have them which should eliminate our need for the Hellhound.
Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (1#, 130 pts)
1 Vendetta Gunship Squadron @ 130 pts
1 Vendetta
Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (1#, 130 pts)
1 Vendetta Gunship Squadron @ 130 pts
1 Vendetta
I've included 2 of these as a replacement for your Vulture. As you needed more anti-tank than you had. Besides which your Executioners and the Heavy Flamers I've added are plenty enough anti-infantry.
Heavy Support: Leman Russ Squadron (1#, 230 pts)
1 Leman Russ Squadron @ 230 pts
1 Leman Russ Executioner (Heavy Flamer; Plasma Cannon Sponsons x2)
Heavy Support: Leman Russ Squadron (1#, 230 pts)
1 Leman Russ Squadron @ 230 pts
1 Leman Russ Executioner (Heavy Flamer; Plasma Cannon Sponsons x2)
I've turned these both into Executioners and removed all the unnecessary upgrades. The 3rd Leman Russ didn't really have a role any-more so I've removed it temporarily.
Total Roster Cost: 1415
Okay so we now have a list that does exactly what your original one did and we have 335 points spare to bring us up to 1750. What you do with the rest is up to you but my personal suggestions would be,
Turn those Heavy Bolter + Missile Launcher Heavy weapon teams of yours into Autocannon ones and add them to your Infantry Platoon. These only cost 75 points for 6 S7, AP 4 shots and even at BS 3 they'll do some damage. With the points saved you could take up to 4 of these giving 24 shots in total.
For the same points (75) you could take a Hydra in your remaining Heavy Support slot or even a pair if you like for 150 points, 2 more Veteran Squads in Chimera's would be 310 pints or a pair of standard Leman Russ with Heavy Flamers instead of Heavy Bolters would be 300, etc.
There's so many possibilities in the Imperial Guard Codex that it makes my Chaos Space Marines book cry a little, lol.
See how you do with it just adding things you already have and let me know your progress and if you want me to write a full 1750 list for you then I'm happy to do so.
Thoughts and Comments are (as usual) most welcome.
You have read this article Army Lists /
Imperial Guard
with the title April 2011. You can bookmark this page URL https://llourenzzo-putta.blogspot.com/2011/04/e-mail-in-imperial-guard-optimisation.html. Thanks!