Hi there, In this Newsletter we have an exciting Inquisitorial rules update for you to download along with some information about future events that Forge World will be attending. Forge World Grey Knights and Inquisition Rules Updates The recently released Codex Grey Knights and accompanying range of new plastic kits are now available in Games Workshop Hobby centres the world over, and Forge World writer Alan Bligh has taken a short break from his work on forthcoming Imperial Armour and Warhammer Forge books to update the rules for Forge World’s range of Grey Knights and Inquisition models. In addition to these unique kits, Forge World also produce a wide range of resin Rhino and Land Raider accessories, resin Icons and Etched Brass symbols that are perfect for individualising your Grey Knights miniatures and vehicles, some of which can be seen in the colour section of the new Codex. Forge World Events News Salute 2011 – April 16th, London London’s ExCel Centre is the location of Salute 2011 on Saturday 16th April and Forge World will be in attendance with a Sales stand bursting with resin kits, modelling supplies and books from both the Forge World and Warhammer Forge ranges. The best way of making sure that we have exactly the models you’re after is to place a reservation for Salute 2011. Just phone the Forge World Customer Service team on 0115 916 8177 to place a reservation. You’ll need your payment card details to hand as we are taking payment in advance of the event, and we will also need a contact e-mail address. In the week before the event, we’ll send you a confirmation e-mail containing your order number and the total cost of your order which you must bring with you to collect your purchases. Games Day France – May 22nd, ParisThe Parc Floral de Versailles in Paris will be the venue for Games Day France on 22nd May 2011, and as always Forge World will be in attendance with a vast selection of resin kits, modelling supplies and Imperial Armour books. The growing Warhammer Forge range will be on sale, including a few unseen pre-release kits (more details of which will follow in future newsletters) and Forge World’s studio will be represented by sculptor Edgar Skomorowski and graphic artist Sam Lamont who’ll have a display of work in progress models and artwork as well as future releases for you to admire. We are now accepting reservation orders for Games Day France, and this is the best way of ensuring that we will have exactly the models you’re looking for, packed up and waiting for you. To place a reservation order, please send an e-mail entitled ‘Games Day France Reservation’ to fwreservations@games-workshop.co.uk, making sure to provide your full name and a list of the items you’d like to reserve. You can also phone the Forge World Customer Service team on 0044 115 916 8177. Badab War Campaign Weekend – Tickets Selling Fast Tickets are now on sale for the Badab War Campaign Weekend, which is held on June 25th and 26th 2011 at Warhammer World, and they’re selling fast! Using the detailed rules found in Forge World’s Imperial Armour Volumes 9 and 10, the Badab War Campaign weekend allows the course of this most savage and bloody conflict to be rewritten by strength of arms and force of will. Dedicating your army to either the Loyalist or the Secessionist cause, each scenario over the weekend will see Lugft Huron either stand or fall, defiant to the last or crushed by the Imperium. You can find more details about this exciting weekend by visiting the Warhammer World Events pages at www.games-workshop.com. For current ticket availability, please contact Games Workshop Customer Services on 0115 91 40 000. Mastercrafted: WalkersFollowing the popular Mastercrafted: Tanks event earlier this year, painting, modelling and sculpting gurus Mark Bedford and Phil Stutcinskas will be spending a full day dedicated to explaining and teaching their methods and techniques in a Mastercrafted: Walkers event to be held at Warhammer World on Saturday August 6th. Tickets for the Mastercrafted: Walkers event will be on sale very soon at www.games-workshop.com; for more details please contact the Warhammer World Events team.
Thanks, Ead Brown Forge World Customer Service Manager |