Hi there, It’s a Space Marine-packed newsletter this week, with a new special character, upgrade set, and two more Contemptor weapon options, as well as an abundance of news about Forge World’s presence at Games Days in both the UK and Australia. Armenneus Valthex, Astral Claws Master of the Forge with Conversion Beamer Known as the Alchemancer, and a figure of key importance to the Astral Claws, Armenneus Valthex was both Lugft Huron’s personal armourer and the Chapter’s Master of the Forge. One of the greatest living experts on the many techno-arcana of the Adeptus Mechanicus, Valthex’s symbol of office is an ancient device known as the Indynabula Array, to which he has added a powerful conversion-beam projector of his own construction. Space Marine Boarding Assault Upgrade Set The noble warriors of the Adeptus Astartes have access to a huge array of specialised equipment as befits their exalted status amongst the military might of the Imperium, and much of this wargear is ancient beyond measure, revered and honoured for each victory it brings them. The Space Marine Boarding Assault Upgrade Set, designed by Stuart Williamson, is a detailed resin conversion kit that consists of two lascutters, a graviton gun, and sufficient boarding shields, weapon arms and heads to build five Boarding Space Marines, as well as additional components to build a Boarding Sergeant. Perfect for representing several of the Boarding Assault Stratagems or a Tactical squad equipped with siege mantlets as described in Forge World’s Badab WarImperial Armour books, this upgrade set is available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing 26th September.
Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought Weapons This week we can announce two new weapon options for the incredibly popular Contemptor Dreadnought: The Contemptor Cyclone Missile Launcher, similar in design to that commonly fielded by Space Marines equipped with Terminator armour, offers a Contemptor Dreadnought tactically flexible, long-range firepower. The Heavy Conversion Beamer is an ancient relic-weapon of incredible and poorly-understood power that only the advanced systems of the Contemptor Dreadnought can hope to accurately direct and control. Both these weapons, designed by Will Hayes, are available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing 26th September, and updated Experimental rules for the Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought can be downloaded from the Forge World website. Games Day UK at the Birmingham NEC – 25th September The biggest day in our event calendar, Games Day UK, is rapidly approaching, and here at Forge World we are preparing for an amazing show. With both Forge World and Warhammer Forge models being finished thick and fast for both display and sale well in advance of their scheduled release dates, our Studio teams are preparing unreleased master models, finishing off work in progress and frantically painting recent releases! Last year’s major announcement from Forge World was the unveiling of the Warhammer Forge range, and this year our Studio area will again be split into two stands, allowing both teams to showcase as much as possible. Our Sales Stand will undergo a major transformation this year, and will be situated in the biggest GW Hobby Centre in the world. This means that it’ll be much quicker and easier to get to the stand, receive your models, and make your way to the checkout area than in previous years – hurrah! We’ll be bringing you more news and updates on both our Games Day UK event page and on our Facebook page between now and the 25th September. Reservation Orders for Games Day UK We are now accepting reservation orders for Games Day UK, and as with our other UK shows this year, we’ll be taking payment in advance for these orders so that it’s much quicker and easier for you to collect them at Games Day – without a massive queue and at your leisure, at any point throughout the day. A reservation order is the best way of ensuring that we have exactly what you want at Games Day, including our Show Only figures, so please call the Forge World Customer Service team on 0115 900 4995 to place your reservation – we’ll need your name and a contact e-mail address, and you’ll need your credit or debit card to hand as well. The cut off date for Games Day UK reservation orders is 12th September – after this we can’t guarantee that we’ll have everything available for you. Games Day Australia UpdateA huge selection of the Warhammer Forge and Forge World ranges will be available from the Forge World stand at Games Day Australia, which will be held on 1st October at the Australian Technology Park, Redfern, NSW. Both our 2011 Event Only MkIII Armoured Boarding Space Marine and Chaos Dwarf Hellsmith models will be on sale, and to mark the return of Games Day Australia, we’re also offering an exclusive last chance to buy some of our previous Event Only models as well. We are now accepting reservation orders for Games Day Australia, and this is the best way of ensuring that we will have exactly the models you’re looking for, packed up and waiting for you to pay for on the day. To place a reservation order, please send an e-mail entitled ‘Games Day Australia Reservation’ to fwreservations@games-workshop.co.uk, making sure to provide your full name and a list of the items you’d like to reserve. You can also phone the Forge World Customer Service team on 0011 44 115 916 8177. You can place a reservation for anything currently available from the online store, as well as our Event Only MkIII Boarding Space Marine and Chaos Dwarf Hellsmith figures. We will provide a confirmation e-mail before the event that will contain your order number and a total cost in Australian Dollars, payable upon collection. The cut-off date for Games Day Australia reservation orders is 12th September, so make sure your e-mail reaches us before this date. Thanks, Ead Brown Customer Service Manager Forge World |