Hi there, With Games Day UK looming on the horizon, we’ve got more exclusive pre-release items to announce today. As with the other exclusive releases we’ve revealed in the last few days, these will be on sale at Games Day UK in limited numbers. Imperial Armour Apocalypse Second Edition on sale at Games Day UK First announced at Games Day Chicago back in July, we can now confirm that the brand new Imperial Armour Apocalypse Second Edition Expansion book will be available to buy in limited numbers at Games Day UK, priced at £26. This book substantially updates and expands the first edition of Imperial Armour Apocalypse with 32 new entries, and is packed with over 90 Apocalypse datasheets for Legendary units such as the mighty Crassus Armoured Assault Transport to the fell Daemon Lords of Chaos. Also included are new Forge World units for Warhammer 40,000 including the Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought and its variants, and the Dark Eldar Tantalus. This 128 page, full-colour hardback book provides comprehensive and updated descriptions and rules for using all of Forge World’s recent additions to its model range in your games of Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer 40,000 Apocalypse. Within you’ll also find new Apocalypse battle missions to play including ‘The Lion and the Hawk’, ‘Shattered City’ and ‘Fortress Assault’, as well as lots of new options and background to enhance your games. Imperial Armour Apocalypse Second Edition is available to pre-order now for despatch from the 30th of September.
Imperial Emplacement
Adding to our new range of hollow resin scenery is the Imperial Emplacement, designed by Blake Spence. This is a detailed free-standing terrain piece that will be on sale at Games Day UK in limited numbers, well in advance of its scheduled release date. Designed as an emplacement for almost any size of Warhammer 40,000 vehicle, from Chimeras and Leman Russ to Macharius and Malcador-based super heavy tanks, and even the mighty Baneblade, the Imperial Emplacement features a wealth of detail such as ammunition stowage, unexploded munitions, a targeting cogitator and an observer’s position. The base of the Imperial Emplacement has been reinforced with trench plates to act as duckboards, and the scenery piece also features plenty of space for crew models as well as vehicles. Ideal for use as both a gaming piece to fight battles over or the basis of a detailed diorama, the Imperial Emplacement will cost £22. Forge World and Warhammer Forge Studio The ever-popular Forge World Studio area will have even more amazing displays, artwork, concept sketches and work-in-progress projects for you to admire at this year’s Games Day - our entire design team will be on hand, split across three areas, allowing you better access to talk to our talented designers and to see some amazing, as yet unseen miniatures. The Studio team have also been hard at work creating a totally new display board for this year’s Games Day, showcasing part of the Eldar assault upon Betalis III that will be detailed in the forthcoming Imperial Armour Volume 11: The Doom of Mymeara. On the subject of books, jaw-droppingly detailed models are only one half of the Forge World range. We also have a dedicated Book Design team who are responsible for the colour profiles, layout, artwork, photographic art, star maps, page textures – everything that makes an Imperial Armour or Warhammer Forge book the masterpiece it is. Graphic Artists Ian Strickland, Rhys Pugh, Kenton Mills and Sam Lamont will be showcasing their work and explaining exactly what goes into laying out a book, and they may even have their high-tech cogitators with them so you can see this work in action. The chance to see a piece of artwork being worked on ‘live’ cannot be missed! Games Day Italy Reservations now being taken With Games Day Italy, held at the Forum Guido Monzani in Modena on 16th October, rapidly approaching, we are now accepting reservation orders for this event. This is the best way of ensuring that we will have exactly the models you’re looking for, packed up and waiting for you to pay for on the day. To place a reservation order, please send an e-mail entitled ‘Games Day Italy Reservation’ to fwreservations@games-workshop.co.uk, making sure to provide your full name and a list of the items you’d like to reserve. You can also phone the Forge World Customer Service team on 0011 44 115 916 8177. You can place a reservation for anything currently available from our online store, as well as our Event Only MkIII Boarding Space Marine and Chaos Dwarf Hellsmith figures and the items in this newsflash. We will provide a confirmation e-mail before the event that will contain your order number and a total cost in Euros, payable upon collection. The cut-off date for Games Day Italy reservation orders is 3rd October, so make sure your e-mail reaches us before this date. Thanks, Ead Brown Customer Service Manager Forge World |